案内 (あんない) guide, but also invitation
内々定 (ないないてい) - super early informal job offer, earlier than 内定
券売所(けんばいしょ)ticket booth
税関(ぜいかん)customs (Something I became very familiar with in the last couple of weeks.)
関係(かんけい)relations (国際関係 is international relations-what i’m studying!)
係長 (かかわりちょう)- Assistant Manager
きんがく 金額
I’m afraid this is Kanji Shitori. We’ll have to restart the game. No 罰金 though, so your 金額 goes back to you.
I am glad the game got restarted anyway since I absolutely cannot think of a word that begins with 崎 for the life of me. Hopefully I didn’t miss an obvious one…
魚雷(ぎょらい) - torpedo
, that was my intention, to see what word could possibly begin with 崎.
It turns out there are two not so rare: 崎 itself (さき, cape) and 崎崖 (きがい, steepness of a mountain).
·雷鳴· - crash of thunder
Naturally I thought of this but then someone would still need to find another word (笑)
This is in none of my native dictionaries so I am skeptical if it is used… I will ask around tomorrow. I’ll see if any natives I know even know a continuation for 崎.
This thread is kanji しりとり so you need to use the final kanji of the previous word and make a new word that begins with that kanji. Check the rules at the top if you are unsure!
Starting again:
蓄膿症(ちくのうしょう)- something called empyema, I think, which is a general term in English for pus/fluid build-up anywhere in the body but Japanese people use it when they have blocked sinuses!
症例 しょうれい
Oh its kanji one…
Good, please do! That’s the real test.
·例外· - exception
外交 = diplomacy
点数 (てんすう) = Points.