側女 (そばめ) = Mistress.
女神 (めがみ): Goddess
For sure - I meant what I said more as a “fun fact” or like “isn’t this interesting” kind of thing rather than a suggestion to change the rules.
No need to even rephrase it. Part of my brain is always trying to find a way to break rules or find exceptions. As I say, I just thought it’d be interesting to mention. It’s a good rule so no need to change it.
I think it’s also technically possible to end the game with a number of different words as there are plenty of kanji that are used in one specific way only and therefore would only appear at the end of a word/phrase. I would guess 山葡萄 would end a game, for example.
社宅 (しゃたく) - housing provided by your company, quite common in Japan for larger companies to provide housing for workers and some towns are dominated by one company even
宅配便 たくはいびん express home delivery, brought to you by your favorite discount seller.
This is exactly why when I first suggested the rule, I said for 者 and 々 that few or no words begin with these Kanji, just incase there were those sneaky exceptions. I’ve learned in life that there are few absolutes, besides death and taxes.
便乗 (びんじょう) = Getting a ride.
員外 いんがい non-member.
The picture you put up is a caption competition waiting to happen. Those people clearly hate being around that woman with the evil grin on her face.
Hmm, for the latest one, let’s go for 外食 - eating out.
食料 (しょくりょう) = Food/Groceries.
人形 (にんぎょう)- Doll
Hi! Pardon me for bringing out this point again.
I really don’t mind the shape it finally takes but, wouldn’t it be more suitable to name this game with a full-fledged jukugo!?
It ought to be a name that does not forfeit the game, though. Either 漢尻取 or 漢字尻取 would do.
Ah, sorry, I forgot I leave the decision to you folks, I’m fine with both
形跡 (けいせき): trace, residue
I like 漢字尻取 best!
跡 (あと) = Footprint.