期待 (きたい) = Anticipation.
悪戯(いたずら)ー prank
運命 (うんめい) = Fate.
いや! - no!
生放送 (なまほうそう) = Live Broadcast.
紀 (き) = period (geology)
鬼滅の刃 (きめつのやいば) = Demon Slayer’s Blade.
(at least that’s the literal translation)
ばら -
着物屋(きものや)kimono shop
休み = rest
Looks like most people would like one! If you don’t mind, I can make the thread for it. We just have to figure out a rule for how a game ends Any suggestions?
Also, should words that contain hiragana/katakana be permitted if they start and end with a kanji (like 折り目)?
First ideas that come to mind, mimicking the standard しりとり rules:
no word can be repeated
the reading used in the (last) kanji of the previous word has to be respected in the first kanji of the new one
no word can end with kana (e.g. 見舞い)
(I reckon there might be some readings that automatically forfeit the game though I’m don’t have such an in-depth knowledge to spot them)
I think they should, and also those containing 促音 (e.g. 引っ越し先).
一同 (いちどう) = All Present (People).
うつぼーmoray eel
貿易 (ぼうえき) = Commerce.
吉祥寺(きっしょうじ) Kichijoji
A place in Tokyo. Also explorable in Persona 5 Royal.
時代(じだい)ーtime period, era
Good taste on P5
ETA:forgot the reading nrgkajnkaj