Lost streak

Thank you! So much love for the Bunpro team :heart:

Aaand setting a alarm just in case for the future to save you guys the hassle :eyes:




Ain’t that a tad low level for that streak? Are you doing half review a day?


Foolish @Megumin.

When you do as many reviews as I do, you simply overflow your level and get reset back to one.
I’ve looped through this cycle far more many times than your simple, level 43 mind can understand.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some reviews to do…



You’ve got a long way to go, young padawan :sunglasses:


I might not have the best level or the best streak, but at least I’m acing my reviews.



He’s mastered the review looping! :rofl:

Sure, we’ve had 110%… but what about 120%? :rofl:


I always give my 120% and that it’s reflected on my reviews.


0 * 1.20 = 0

jk of course, the effort you’ve put in Bunpro shows!


I didn’t know the website was able to show a % of a 0 review. Must be a UI/UX Bug.
Better contact with someone that can fix it.

I’ll ping, so it’s taken care of. @Daru


My 185 days streak got lost today.
I don’t want to get it back. I just surprised that I managed to study Japanese every day for such a long time.


Your courage for not giving in to recover the streak is not unnoticed.
It’s only up from here, time to get that streak back with hard work.



Lost my ~550 day streak! Darn thanksgiving weekend distractions, out of town with relatives and 3 small children.

My question is…why does bunpro still not have an optional “remind me at X time if I haven’t studied today!” feature? Seems like it would be almost trivial to implement and provide big value to many people.

I don’t need my streak back. This is only the 2nd day I’ve missed using bunpro in 2 years, and I’ll keep using it. But it would be nice if something would actually be done about this to help users in terms of new features so that threads like this would no longer need to exist. @Jake thoughts? Can a feature to help with streaks get on the shortlist?


Another fallen comrade, respect for not wanting back such a big streak.


What would you propose though? Not everyone checks the e-mail that frequently, and chances is if you forgot Bunpro is that you are too busy for checking the e-mail IMHO.

In browser notifications you might not be at the computer, and the application on the phone is currently already lackluster enough to have push notifications.


Sure, email might not work for everyone, but it would work for me. I immediately saw the email push notification triggered by your reply here, for example. Apparently duolingo already does this, according to OP? In contrast, it’s harder for me to remember to choose to visit bunpro when my routine is already different. Push notifications are nice because they come to me if I forget to check on my own.

There’s also the grace period / “heart idea” mentioned previously, which I am totally in favor of. I just thought an opt in email reminder would be the simplest to implement, easiest win to start with.


My emails from Bunpro discourse get buried on the social tab of my e-mail ,as not every email there needs to be important to get notified. For that I’d need that notification come from a special email address so I could put a special rule. Something like [email protected], or something in the email subject that I can also put a specific rule on it, then I could work around to it, but clearly is not something everyone would do.

Then there’s the timing on when to send that email, 5h before your time zone reset you have set-up? Also, since all users have different time zones that would require the system to continuously check every hour, instead of checking once a day and massively sending emails.

Sure it’s possible but… If there was an official discord, there could be some sort of bot functionality coded on it. Or if the API was more complete, maybe it could be coded with a IFTTT script or something similar.

At this point I’m just throwing random stuff it’s coming to mind as not knowing really the status of things behind the doors, but I would totally welcome the idea of getting notified somehow.

I’m gonna tag @mrnoone as he has been with the streak feedback previously.
Maybe they already have something planned and we just don’t know.


You’re making the heart system sound better and better :). I’m not sure the email would be too involved still, but it’s certainly less elegant (involving 3rd party email) and less user friendly (still have to see your email day of). I like the brainstorming and discussion!


For my two cents, I would turn off an email notification immediately. And I like that Bunpro is not like practically every other website out there that, as soon as you sign up, they start sending “reminders” (ie. marketing emails) to you daily. You have the freedom to decide how you use the website.
But, also, I’m not someone who finds value in getting a super-high streak number. It’s nice to get a large streak going, but if I miss a day, that’s okay. My brain obviously needed a break. So far, I miss a day once every couple of months.
So, I guess if people really wanted it, I’d want to make sure it’s an “opt in” feature rather than an “opt out” feature.


I lose my streak all the time too, never gone beyond 60 days till recently :drooling_face:

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Okay, now I’m a little annoyed due to the new badges. As mentioned earlier in this thread, I lost a roughly 850-day streak for no reason I could understand (I did my daily reviews) about 7 months ago but dismissed it as unimportant since there were no badges tied to it anyway. But now, combined with the streak I have kept up since then, I see that I would have gained a 1000-day streak badge if it wasn’t for this blip in the system. Instead, I’m left with only a badge for a 200-day streak (what’s the logic behind that? I should have had everything but the last badge based on my old streak, and based on my current one I shouldn’t have the 200 badge).

I would like to ask that someone take a look at my streak and see if it can’t be repaired. This will be the last time I ask for this favor as repairing my streak (which, again, broke despite my daily reviews. I have no idea why) would give me every single badge and thus eliminate any need to keep focusing on that. I didn’t really care until the new badges showed up.