Method Effectiveness

I’ve been studying for what will be 2 years this coming April and I’ve realised that my listening and speaking (and If I’m being honest all my Japanese) is absolutely abysmal.

My first year I only used Wanikani for Kanji and JP > ENG vocab. Since December I bumped that up to KameSame for ENG > JP vocab production, BunPro for grammar, and Podcasts and TV shows for listening. I also do a weekly speaking hour with a local at my city’s international center in Japan.

I’ve recently begun spending a few hours per short podcast or short episode (5-10mins) literally writing everything down that is said, to check my comprehension. Anything I don’t understand or can’t quite catch I will listen to over and over until I figure out the meaning (either an individual word, a piece of grammar, or a full sentence). For weeks I couldn’t figure out what “Chuyunoha” or “Duyunoh” or “2yunoha” meant that I kept hearing in podcasts until today I listened to it over and over and then doubled checked with a nearby teacher to learn they’re saying “というのは” which is a word used to explain the ‘meaning’ of something.

I just wondered if anyone else has had experience doing something similar to this and if it was effective to speaking/listening in the long run. It seems like it’s helping but if there’s anyone with first hand experience it would be great to get your opinion. It takes quite a big chunk of time to go through a short piece of media that no doubt will speed up, but I wanted to make sure I’m not wasting my time with this if there’s little positive returns, before I continue.



In short, yes.

The intensive listening will pay off in time. Only thing it seems like you are missing is free reading. You are normally ready to read basic material in Japanese. There are lots of threads that cover that topic.

Good luck don’t give up.

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Sounds like you are on the right track!
This is an effective method
Listening to podcasts is good for listening. and speaking is good for speaking.

This will work, but if you are feeling frustrated you can try:
Listen to most podcasts at full speed.
And when you have a show with Japanese subtitles or a texthooker you can use tools that make looking things up infinitly easier you add every word you don’t know to your srs of choice, anki, bunpro beta, or

I recommend checking out:
[#]How to consume media/immerse correctly - Japanese - Bunpro Community
and yomichan a browser extension.