N5 L5 Reading Discussion

This is a discussion topic for the N5 Lesson 5 reading passages.

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The English translation of the first text is wrong formatted.

In the first text, 「 高いパンを買ってもいいです。」links to the grammar point 「ている(1)」. But wouldn’t it make more sense to link to the grammar point 「[て]もいい」?


Is the implied topic the hospital or the job? And why is it clear from the context?

Something that worries me is that if I were to produce a sentence, it wouldn’t even occur to me to sequence the words in this manner: 帰りが遅い日
How did you get passed this worry?
This is particularly concerning to me because I’d imagine that this is a natural pattern in the language and it’s fairly unintuitive to me.

Also what is the grammatical rule because of which が is used here?
I guess I would have put the adjective before the noun… Maybe something like 遅い帰りの日が… (probably wrong)

The order is harder for me to process than it probably should be. How should
I parse the entire sentence? What parts should I gradually associate together to rebuild the sentence for ease of comprehension?


Starting with the paragraph overall, it’s talking about the parents. In the sentences immediately before this one, they were describing the condition of the hospital (古い、きれい、小さい) and that there’s not many people, possibly short-staffed (先生が一人), which gives the idea that it’s probably not a state-of-the-art hospital. Also the word 忙しい describes people or the condition of people, so, from the people that have been introduced, it must be talking about mom or her job.

For how to parse the sentence, I might look at it like this:
忙しいから <帰りが遅い日> も あるんです。

帰りが遅い = the return home is late (this could be a sentence by itself)
<帰りが遅い日> = day that the return home is late
忙しいから = because it’s busy
<> も あるんです = there’s even <>

This sentence is probably difficult because it’s a clause within a sentence (sort of a sentence within a sentence). And because of Japanese word order, you can have a whole bunch of stuff describing a noun. Don’t worry, as you read more, you get used to it. And as you get used to it, it becomes intuitive. :slight_smile:

Btw, you’re not wrong here, just different nuance.
<帰りが遅い日> = day that the return home is late (sounds like being late is unusual)
<遅い帰りの日> = day of late returning home, late returning-home day (just one of those normal late days)


N5 lesson 5 (Somebody talking about what their parents do every day) seems to have a mixed up vocab word. It says 今日は先生が一人だけです。When I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be 今日は医者が一人だけです。At least the translation says, “Today there is only one doctor.”

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Feel free to wait for someone with more knowledge than me, but as far as I know doctors are also referred to as 先生 so the translation would be perfectly acceptable ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ


Thank you! I think it would be a good note to include in the section.