New Daily Goal System & Learn Queue

Oh this explains why somethings looked a bit different. Well it looks very nice. Also the possum easter egg you added with it is a very nice touch.



This is more of an aesthetic comment to an outstanding update. I see that, even if the language is set to Japanese, the headings on the new Decks home page are still in English:

いつもの通り、お疲れ様でした。 :pray:t2:


Great update and glad to see the decks released !

As for my learning style, I’m not sur the daily goal system would be that useful as it is, since the goal is evolving on a daily basis, depending on my free time, how much reviews are already on the queue, etc…

That said, it would be really cool to set the daily goal with parameters like max number of review/ghosts and max beginner level items for grammar and vocab, etc. This would help a lot with pacing and anticipation, especially new users .

I think someone else suggested it, can’t remember who/where but thought it was a good idea !

Love the :confetti_ball: :tada::partying_face:


This is probably known internally, but when using the android app to learn new items the count for items learnt isn’t updated on the web app. I assume the android update is rolling out later?



Loving this!


Wow, I love this update. I appreciate the structure that Bunpro provides because lack of structure is a big challenge on my end as a self-learner. Proud to be a lifetime supporter! Thanks Bunpro team!



We internally discussed this at some point in time – having a manual stack to also Learn from.
Kind of like you can add whole albums OR single songs to your play queue using the Add to Queue button on Spotify/other music services.

This might also be doable by creating your own private “My Study Deck”-type Deck when we eventually release user Decks.


Hi there! Good catch – Will add these in for the next release.


Yup! In development as we speak~ :bunprogold: :heart:


I finally started using the vocab here after this update and I must say…

The voice recording on the vocab is AMAZING! Clear and straight to the point with perfectly easy to comprehend Japanese! Also the phrases are way more straightforward.

I wish the grammar was more like that. Sometimes the sentences there are too long and complicated when you are just learning a grammar point.


This wasn’t quite as expected :laughing:


How do I delete a deck from my learn queue?

I can’t find the learn queue settings on desktop, and on mobile when I try to remove a deck through learn queue settings the remove deck button isn’t removing the deck.

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Are you going into the Deck you want removed, click on the Settings button, and making sure this button (shown on the top left corner of the screenshot below) is disabled (mine is enabled in the screenshot)?

That should get it removed from your learn items. But if not, then something is definitely wrong.

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I was able to do it now a different way. Maybe it’s a bug with the current iOS app because I tried in the browser instead and it worked, but the UI is slightly different.

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Just had this feature change turn up tor me for the first time in the Android app. Mostly working smoothly, but my N3 progress isn’t being reflected correctly (it’s just counted the 2 I’ve done since the feature change?) :

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If you visit this link through the site: Bunpro N3 [Grammar] | Bunpro while logged in and then pull down to refresh data in the app, does it properly update?

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No… :confused:
Progress looks correct on the website, but has actually gone ‘backwards’ on the app! Now it’s telling me I haven’t studied anything from the deck yet:




Might be a small bug in the progress count calculation in the app. Will have it looked into!
The app just references website data so whatever the website shows is you actual data.


Thanks for looking into this! :blush:

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I find this new feature very nice ! I like the way you can vizualize your daily objective, and your current progress. I also like the fact that you can continue learning after you reached your objective (I usually adapt the number of learned items depending on the time I have and on the difficulty of the item, so my learning objectives are quitte low).

There is also something that bothers me:
The new UI display the learn process as if there was one unified learn queue, composed of a defined number of objectives from different decks. But after using it, it feels like this is still separate learning queues from each deck. It has advantages because it allows to continue in “extra” learning on the current deck, but it implies that your are “stuck” to learn from this deck, and your are not anymore in the main idea of the unified learn queue. At first I was surprised to see that the system suggested me to do extra learning on the first deck before suggesting to do the planed learning for the second deck. At least I would have liked an option at the end of learning objective for the first deck, to continue to the next deck, next objective. Keeping the option to extra learn from the first deck is perfect. And at the end of all objectives, maybe have the possility to extra learn from any of your current decks. It seems more logical to do extra learning after completing all your daily objectives :slight_smile:
Apologies if there is a setting somewhere that allows to do this but I was unable to find it.

Great work anyway ! It is always nice to see Bunpro improving :slight_smile:

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