This is a discussion topic for the updated N5 Lesson 3 reading passages. (May 2024)
would someone be able to break down the title of the third passage?
Sure! That would be “Friends are walking and talking about different things”.
There are two grammar points from lessons after this one:
N5 lesson 5 Verb + て (JLPT N5) | Bunpro “and” joining two actions 歩く and 話す.
N3 lesson 3 について (JLPT N3) | Bunpro “about”.
Hope this helps.
On the second text, why does it say マリーは可愛かった and not マリーは可愛い?
Thank you
You have probably already answered this yourself by this point but 可愛かった is the past tense of 可愛い.
The writer is reminiscing on meeting Mary earlier in the day. (Though on my first reading I thought maybe Mary had passed away!)
In the sentence ジョンは散歩が好きなのです can anyone explain why there’s なのです at the end? If we wanted to say “John likes walking”, wouldn’t it suffice to say ジョンは散歩が好き?
なのです is an application of this grammar from N5 L3 ~んです・のです (JLPT N5) | Bunpro
You could read it as an emphasis, or as bit of an explanatory nuance after the previous sentence (we go for walks - John likes walks, you see).
Ahh, you’re right. I think I need more practice to recognize those.
In the last text, last sentence - 温泉に行くか動物と遊ぶかです - why is there a か before です?
In principle, か marks alternatives right. In か lesson (N5 L3) you can see in the structure block
Verb (A) + か + Verb (B) + か
This is what you see in this sentence, two alternatives. か after the second alternative can usually be omitted, but “遊ぶです” would be ungrammatical.
Bunpro is trying to only use grammar you’ve already seen in lessons by this point, which is not much, so this sentence ends up quite forced. Don’t worry too much about it.