いたす non-sentences

There are five example “sentences” for いたす that aren’t really sentences:

  • する・ いたす
  • 話す・お話し いたす
  • 見る・拝見 いたす
  • 教える ・お教え いたす
  • 借りる・拝借 いたす

I think those “sentences” should be replaced with real ones. If you want to test the knowledge that the humble version of 見る is 拝見 and the humble version of 借りる is 拝借, I think you should do those as separate grammar points. Plus then you could also add additional grammar points for 申す, 伺う, 参る, and so on. Basically everything listed in here that you think makes sense.


@mrnoone Any thoughts on doing this?

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I will do it later today or tomorrow :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay! :bowing_man:

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It is finished :+1:


This one has some text overlap by the way.


Are you considering adding separate dedicated grammar later to make sure we know the humble versions of specific verbs (like 拝見)?


Yes, the whole honorific and humble sections will grow, since it is covered really superficially in most textbooks.
But the priority for around 1-1.5months is finishing N2. :+1:

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