Over 9000! ... New sentences! Making context the king of vocab learning

I guess it’s hard to tell them apart and we have no way to know the behaviour until we click on it?

There’s nothing like user-side vocabulary look-up or any indicator if it’s going to bring the popup or just toggle the furigana.

Edit: I guess there’s a shadow/highlight now that I look at it better… still a bit hard to guess why the difference until you find out. (I guess this doesn’t show on touch-screen devices now that I think about it?)


Loving all the new updates!


I know that 綺麗 and 暇 are both definitely in N5 vocab, so this is something we will have to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! :grin:

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I can’t like this update enough. I want aaaaaaaaaall the sentences you can gimme.


Really glad I purchased a lifetime membership. This site just keeps getting better and better. I believe that one day it can be the default tool most people use to learn Japanese, and I really hope it can become that. But without getting too far ahead of ourselves, the progress you guys have been making with this site has been great. Keep it up!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - the amount of progress you guys have been making particularly in the last couple of months is nuts. It makes me excited to see the future of the site and its potential as a wider study tool! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also gives me more things to scroll through during those deskwarming hours :crazy_face:


I am so jealous of all the learners who will get to use this incredible tool right from the start of their learning journey. To those of you that statement applies to, you have no idea who crucial this is to your studies. I didn’t really start to get a grasp on a lot of grammar and vocab until I started reading native content (novels, news, etc) and that was painful every time I upped the difficulty.

To be able to have immediate access to a dozen different context sentences, all including the same word in varying use cases and difficulty levels, in the middle of grammar study… Freaking bravo, Bunpro. Once again, please sell merch so I can support beyond my Lifetime payment!


Same, I wish I took seriously this tool back when I signed up in 2019, sadly it’s been only this recent year I noticed how foolish I’ve been.

What if I told you there’s a way.


Stop it!!! You’re making Bunpro into the ultimate weapon in Japanese learning resources.

What use will I have for for all my other apps and books? Will they go the way of Romaji dictionaries and watching anime with subtitles? We’ll find out soon enough.


BunPro has never really been my main Japanese learning tool, but I’ve used it on and off when I’ve had trouble with specific grammar points and I am constantly amazed by how much better the entire site is EVERY TIME I come back. It’s really clear how much work is being put into this to make it as fleshed out and user friendly as possible.

The fact that you are not only adding vocab definitions, but also the context sentences and vocab SRS may end up pushing this to the top spot of Japanese learning tools above even WaniKani and Genki for me. This is way more content than I ever expected - or even desired out of a tool I initially only bought for it’s grammar use.

Speaking personally, when you get around to adding in the vocab SRS, I would also love to see the vocab added to Paths. I mostly use BunPro as a supplement to Genki, and having a convenient way to add all the vocab I’ve already learned in would be great.


Great news! We have already tagged all of the Genki vocab, so that users will be able to find it amongst the other decks, I am sure we will probably do a specific Genki vocab deck after we add N4 as well.

At first we were cautious about putting some of the Genki vocab into N4 and N5, as there are quite a few realllly difficult words in there (mainly cultural things). However, we added them anyway, as we figured a lot of people would want to use it alongside their textbooks. :blush:


Thanks everyone for the overwhelmingly positive feedback, and ideas to make this even better. The response has helped to solidify our confidence that this is something that will create a unique learning opportunity for many people! :grin:

The team will discuss at length this coming week about how we can turn this fledgeling service into something that absolutely blows traditional vocab learning out of the water!

Once again thank you all, and keep those positive vibes coming! It really does make our jobs all the more rewarding! :partying_face:


Nice work and very exciting! My top wishlist would be:

  • Make sure it’s mobile friendly please! I’m 99% on mobile. So for example, when this popout is updated with navigation features that help you go up/down through a vocab click tree, consider having mobile gestures (swipe left/right) to help navigate rather than having to tap different areas of the screen.
  • Yes to user decks, please. I’d love to be able to make my own deck and add words to it from the popouts. I’d be much less inclined personally to use a premade N-level deck.
  • Yes to an easy and fast vocab search page. It would be a dream come true to be able to quickly find and add unknown words I come across while reading other content. Then I could keep all my SRS on bunpro.

Thanks to the whole team!!


That’s very good. But all these additions really make me miss a dedicated app, with offline support…


holy cow.


I’ve been a free member for over a year. I haven’t actually used it. A few weeks ago, I decided to try it again and that seemed to have coincided with the changes that you brought in: your own grammar explanations. I really liked that approach. Before, I was quite confused and bored. Being lazy, this was a really nice way to quickly review the grammar points. Because of the new features I jumped on the lifetime sale.

I’m really excited for the new, new features with vocab. Especially new verbs because that will really give help a lot.

Thank you so so much. You obviously care a lot about your userbase and I love how you’re always adding new features.



Any chance you can add 中級へ行こう to the grammar paths? Thank you!


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes

Let me pay you more :rofl: you’re doing soo much for us learners. ^^


Since some other people were bringing up having the ability to have user entered sentences for the vocab. Have you done any more thinking about having a user generated sentence submission process?

I remember you mentioned that you’d prefer to use only your sentences for the site but I was wondering if you guys had re-thought that at all?

Maybe you could limit to people who have completed a certain number of reviews or studied to a certain N-level to reduce the number of unnatural sentences?


We do quite regularly discuss other textbooks that we do not currently support, and if they are worth supporting in the future. These discussions are usually based around how many people we get sending feedback etc about certain books/resources.

At the moment, a book that we regularly get asked about is Quartet, so that has potential to be something that we pursue. As for other books, we will definitely continue to consider them, based mainly on the above feedback/level of request frequency method.