BunPro has never really been my main Japanese learning tool, but I’ve used it on and off when I’ve had trouble with specific grammar points and I am constantly amazed by how much better the entire site is EVERY TIME I come back. It’s really clear how much work is being put into this to make it as fleshed out and user friendly as possible.
The fact that you are not only adding vocab definitions, but also the context sentences and vocab SRS may end up pushing this to the top spot of Japanese learning tools above even WaniKani and Genki for me. This is way more content than I ever expected - or even desired out of a tool I initially only bought for it’s grammar use.
Speaking personally, when you get around to adding in the vocab SRS, I would also love to see the vocab added to Paths. I mostly use BunPro as a supplement to Genki, and having a convenient way to add all the vocab I’ve already learned in would be great.