の - Pronoun 'one' - Grammar Discussion

pronoun ‘one’, ‘reduced’ noun


  • Noun 1 + Pronoun + (Noun 2)
  • If Noun 2 is understood through context:
    Noun 1 + Noun 2

View on Bunpro

[Used primarily to avoid repetition, の takes the place of a noun that is omitted from the sentence]

To me it seems like the structure given is not used by the example sentences. The example sentences seem to all use a structure of

  • Noun 1 ・ Pronoun + のOptional Noun 2

I don’t see any sentences where a pronoun immediately follows a noun.

The・is often used in Japanese to mean “or.”

So, the structure is [Noun 1 -or- Pronoun + のOptional Noun 2]. The・would have to be a + instead to indicate that the noun and pronoun are to be used in sequence together

That’s the problem. Bunpro uses a + which is why I am confused.
I am familiar with the convention of ・ meaning or and I even used it when explaining what I was seeing in the example sentences in my previous post.

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The optional noun is the pronoun.

So for instance
The second 本 would be translated to “this” in English, which is a pronoun. The の is replacing the pronoun.