✨ Quality of Life Updates (Sep 2023)

I’m having the same issue; all ghost reviews are still manual input, even those created from reading questions. And default review type is set to reading.

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I am LOVING the Reading-Review style! This is something I’ve wanted for so long. I can already feel my brain working harder!

A suggestion or two:

First, I’m not focusing so much on kanji right now, so I love that I can click on words and have the furigana show up.

However, I’ve found that frequently the word in the blank does not give readings.

Is there any way that this can be added?

Additionally, are there plans to implement this review style in the app? I’m currently using the browser on my phone to review, which is not as slick as the app.

And if it is implemented in the app, could we map the Good and Hard buttons to the volume buttons? That would make reviewing a snap!

Thanks for hearing my feedback!


Support for Ghost Reviews with different Review Types has just been added!
A script has been run so your current Ghost Reviews should also match their Regular Review counterpart.

Support for this will be in the app soon too.

Thanks for the feedback!


Awesome features. Thanks fellas!


I realize I’m a litte late to the party giving feedback… Just my two cents, though it’s probably not the popular opinion: I do appreciate the update and finally not having to have two “streaks” displayed. However, I would actually prefer displaying my streak over days studied. I am kind of invested in my streak :sweat_smile: Also, I have always hated the accuracy rating, it actually demotivates me (or you could say it motivates me to cheat with undo). And I don’t really see the sense in the total items studied, at least as long as I’m in the process of consolidating rather than adding new items. So I would love to declutter my dashboard and only display my streak. All in all that would be nice to have.
More importantly: As for the streak, an actual quality of life improvement for me would be some kind of indicator for whether I’ve “secured” my streak for the day. E.g . a green checkmark next to the streak counter to let me know that I’ve completed at least one review that day. I usually do reviews in the morning and around 10pm. But sometimes there are no reviews scheduled in the morning and sometimes I have plans in the evening. So checking for an indicator before going out at night to see if I had completed any reviews that morning would really help me preserve my streak (which ultimately keeps me motivated). And judging by the number of lost streak posts, I might not be the only one who could benefit :innocent:



Hi y’all.
The update-all Review Type feature is now available, and on the Reviews page in Settings.

Hope this wasn’t too late!