✨ Quality of Life Updates (Sep 2024)

The way I understand it you’d want to enable the Furigana toggle only.
Daily sync is for syncing your WK Guru vocab words as seasoned 1 on Bunpro.


Getting an error when I try to navigate to Log in | Bunpro

Any idea what might be causing that? Other settings tabs are loading fine for me…

Otherwise a stellar QOL update on all fronts, thanks Bunpro team!

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Thanks for the update team! Keep up the great work :smiley:

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Do we have a timeframe on when @Asher will consume his shorts? I expect that to be at least in the next wave of content updates.


Looks like it was due to an invalid wk api key. I have updated it on your account and added an exception to catch similar ones.


@Flandre5carlet is correct, you only need to add your api key and toggle on the furigana. The Daily Sync is for importing words you have covered on WK to either mark as mastered or add for more practice.


The app just keeps getting better! One of the rare things out there not poisoned by “AI” as a replacement for actual features and improvements. Keep being awesome!

EDIT: I know you used AI-generated audio, but that’s not necessarily like “generative AI” like I should have specified. It’s still human-made content, even if sounded out by a computer.

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Hey great updates! I especially like that you can see the progress for the JLPT with vocab and grammar combined now. When is this and the rest coming out for the mobile android app?

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WaniKani doesn’t seem to be syncing properly for me. Only about 300 vocab words have been marked as mastered, when there should be a lot more than that. I tried using a new api key and toggling the options on and off, which made the number increase slightly at first, but now nothing I do has any effect anymore.


Thank you! That’s weird that it was invalid… on the wanikani end, do I need any permissions enabled besides “all_data:read”?

Also, when I go to enable Daily Sync it gives me a check mark (which seems good) but the toggle doesn’t seem to stay toggled (which seems not good):

^ is that bad? Or is it working as intended?


Is there a chance we’ll ever get vocab sample sentences read in Haru’s or Chihiro’s voice?


I had something like that, but after refreshing the page and re-updating the key it worked

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I set the toggle for set to mastered for wanikani but it has put things in mastered that is not on mastered in wanikani yet. is that intended or di i mess something up?

Allow me to begin by stating that BunPro is currently the premier tool for learning Japanese grammar. Its comprehensive offerings have expanded significantly over time, making it a robust platform for learners at all levels.

However, as the platform has evolved, it is important to examine its core features critically. In my view, the most significant challenge at present lies in the SRS (Spaced Repetition System) algorithm and its accompanying settings, which I find to be somewhat confusing. From my experience with other products, I have observed remarkable results with FSRS (Forgetting Spaced Repetition System) and would strongly advocate for its adoption in BunPro.

After reaching approximately 200 grammar points, I feel that my progress has plateaued, and this is particularly noticeable when comparing my vocabulary retention in Anki to that in BunPro. Unfortunately, I find it difficult to retain vocabulary using BunPro’s current system.

Despite this, I continue to recommend BunPro. However, I would likely switch to a competitor if they were to offer FSRS, detailed grammar notes, and corrective feedback for mistakes.

I believe BunPro has a significant opportunity to strengthen its competitive edge by adopting a more effective algorithm.


Welcome to the forums!

You may be interested in the below thread (it’s long so skip to Jake’s comments for the meat of it):


To summarize for others; we will get FSRS before the end of the year. :slight_smile:


This is exactly what I’ve been trying to figure out without adding hundreds of reviews!

Now just waiting for the custom deck feature that is said to be actively worked on.

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@EthanW9701 Just following up on this. I believe the import sync bug that happened in a very specific instance has been fixed. It was skipping things it shouldn’t so you should be able to import properly now.


I’ve hit import, and it still isn’t adding any new vocab words.

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Are you waiting for it to run? It can take a minute or two depending on how many wanikani items you have done. Also, if you have the “Mark as Mastered” set to on then it won’t add any new vocab words as it will import them as mastered so they won’t end up in your queue.

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