Question about my type of review for vocab

Hiya everyone!

As I am not really that advanced with how things work on Bunpro, I have noticed that sometimes my vocab reviews differ.
As I am aware I set the review to “anki mode” with yes or no answer, then sometimes I get the review which I have to translate manually.
Is there any way to standardize it one way or the other? Or these two types are completely different stuff and it’s supposed to work like this?

Also when it comes to 虹 I can see its reading, but for the other one, I don’t. Is there any way to choose it as default for all the vocab?




Hi there!

Sorry for the super late reply.

Hope this post helps – shows you how to set it globally or on a per-Deck basis.

Some higher level Vocab (The A-list and U-list questions) doesn’t have sentence questions yet.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

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