Question-phrase + か - Grammar Discussion

including questions within sentences


  • Question-phrase + + わかる, おぼえていない, しっている, etc.

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:warning: Do not attach だ or です to nouns or な-adjectives preceding か

[Questions within sentences are in short form・だ is usually dropped after a な-adjective or noun and before か・かどうか is used when the question word is not present and in ‘if/whether or not’ questions]

僕がどこにいる わかる?


About this example: 彼が誰のことを好きかわかりません。
Shouldn’t it be like this: 彼は誰のことが好きかわかりません。?

Hey, long time no see! :grin:

Both are acceptable.

When you embed a question within the larger sentence it is OK to mark the object of liking with を instead of が。
It is also OK to do this normal way and use が instead. Same applies to 嫌い.



Why does this grammar point use green instead of orange and yellow?


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かどうか (and possibly some other grammar points that I don’t know yet) should probably be included in the related grammar points. Vice versa, this grammar point should be included on the かどうか page I think.

EDIT: It’s also covered by Tae Kim’s guide to grammar here, so that should probably also be added to the readings!

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@DonChanHype Thank you for your comment! I have added かどうか and some other grammar points to the related section. I have also included the Tae Kim link that you provided in the Readings section. Cheers!

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Thanks as always! :slight_smile:


It might be helpful to include sentences that use the nominalization のか as well, since I’ve been getting confused when seeing that out in the wild. For example, this WaniKani sentence: 「字がきたなすぎて、薬方に何が書いてあるのかさっぱり分かりません。」

In this grammar point, か comes right after the verb, with no nominalizer, but のか can happen as well, right?

I’ve been having a lot of difficulty with a particular sentence from a manga (Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu) that I think may relate to this grammar point or かどうか, so I’d like to ask for some help parsing it here:
I know this translates to “Is this supposed to be you being humble?”, but I’d love some help from someone with more experience in parsing out the pieces of it. Thank you!

Hey @shadowstar !

A more literal translation would be ‘I don’t know if you are being modest or what’.

謙虚なのか ‘whether you are modest’ なんなのか ‘or what’ 分からん ‘I have no idea’.

I hope this helps!

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That was really helpful, thank you! Thanks to your breakdown I was able to learn that なんなのか was its own expression meaning “what is it (that), the meaning of something, what something is about”.

For the portion “謙虚なのか” is there a corresponding grammar point aside from this one that is worth visiting, to see how か is used in a questioning way in the middle of a sentence?

Glad I could help!

The なの that comes after 謙虚 is an expression that could be translated as ‘that’s the way it is’, and is followed by this !

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Wonderful! Thank you so much!

The structure is presented as " Question Word + + わかる" but in the first example “忘年会に社長が来るか分かりますか?” Which one is the question word? My understanding so far is that a question word is like 何, どの, いつ, etc.

Hi, welcome!

Indeed you are right, and the structure seems to be incomplete.

If you guide yourself by the title of the grammar point ((Question-Phrase) + か) you’ll see that also a phrase (aka a full fledged sentence) can be used before か to turn into into a question, or the thing that is uncertain. In this case, the phrase would be ‘忘年会に社長が来る’.