Recent instability?

It’s been a handful of times lately that I haven’t been able to access Bunpro during the day. I presume this is some form of outage and not normal maintenance. Are there plans to change Bunpro’s hosting and DevOps strategy to ensure higher availability?


Seconding! Reviews on the website seems to be having issues too.

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Dang that’s too bad! I haven’t had any issues whatsoever using the iOS app. Outside of one missed day I have used the app and studied every day for over a month. I wonder why the website would have issues but not the app.

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I have not had any problems lately.

Not trying to be mean, but like, you having an issue doesn’t mean you need to demand a company entirely change their processes for you personally, even if the problem isn’t just limited to you, you don’t even know what processes they have.

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I was experiencing 10 minutes or so instability in the middle of reviews about an hour ago and had to refresh everything. This is only the 5th time over the last few months, but I have had to forgo morning reviews a couple of times because of it, and I’ve had to redo some reviews. Could be me, could be bunpro, but it is an issue I’ve been having during reviews. PC browser.


We have been spending extra time monitoring the server metrics the past month or so.

There was a considerable patch of slower than usual responses near the start of the month after some broad sweeping changes were released. We have been patching slow routes and in general the site response time is better now than it has ever been in the past.

That being said, there are periods once a day or once every couple days that last for 10 minutes or so where we can see longer response times than we want so the concerns raised are definitely warranted.

We have pinpointed specific pages/queries that are consistently slow and we are working on implementing solutions for them.


I did notice it was specific API endpoints (reviews), not all, nor the web heads that serve what I think are static HTML, .json, and JavaScript assets which loaded quickly as expected. Then, I don’t know if y’all separate your static assets and serve them from a different location than your APIs (Rails?). Anyhow, thanks for the quick reply! Glad to hear there’s a team behind Bunpro that’s on top of application performance.



This started in the last couple of days for me. Coinciding with the metadata update, but that might be a coincidence.

Reviews and front page loading are the trouble spots.

I use bunpro through the website. Even successful loads are even slower than usual.

Followup: right now I can’t get to my reviews at all.


The website has been very slow all morning, and now won’t load at all. Keep getting an error saying “The page you were looking for doesn’t exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.” Even these forums started giving me some issues loading.


Trying to do my reviews im stuck at: ユーザーデータを読み込み中…

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I am now getting this error.

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I’ve also had some moments yesterday and today where the website is just unusable.

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I’m getting the same error.

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Sorry for the downtime today. I was pushing an update that will fix a good portion of the slow routes but it meant improving our database indexing which took awhile to migrate for the couple really large tables we have in the database.

I believe things should be much better going forward but we will keep monitoring our metrics.


I’ve gotten a lot of error messages while doing crams lately.


Constant connection errors still.


Man I don’t want to be rude because I really love this site but I would appreciate not having all this seemingly heavy maintenance and downtime less than a week before the JLPT.


For me the webpage has been unbearably slow the last hour or two and right now it is just unusable. I can’t finish “learning” the items in my queue for today. I guess it will get fixed in a couple of hours, I hope.

I am constantly getting this error:


You are absolutely right. In the past years, we have implemented a code freeze in the two weeks before the JLPT, in fact we had one before the December JLPT last year. We completely forgot about this. Pretty big oversight on our part. :frowning_face:

I made a few adjustments and rollback changes so that things should be back to how they were. I tested a bit just now and it seems to no longer be throwing the retrieval errors. We will keep monitoring and save any big changes for next week and beyond.


I’ve noticed this too, but it’s usually come good.

Working in IT, letting users know that they may hit rough patches goes a long way by managing expectations. Software and infrastructure is so complicated these days it is impossible to rule out issues.

As a user I’d appreciate any heads up that things might be bumpy, but I wouldn’t grab my torches and pitch forks.