Reviews 2.0 Released!

Oh yes, it’s good - I meant that I’d noticed these messages :smiley: and just a suggestion to change the one for 100% from “お疲れ様です! Most excellent” to “満点! Full marks!”

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Haha hadn’t had my coffee!
Read your message as “It’d be nice to…” :sweat_smile: :sob:

Glad you like them! FYI the message changes depending on what percentage-correct bracket you fall into. Divided between:

  • 0%
  • 0 - 50%
  • 50 - 90%
  • 90 - 100%
  • 100%

I know this has been out for a while, but just wanted to say thank you and well done for an amazing overhaul. These changes have genuinely made the learning so much easier.


Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there a way to set the default review type for all present/future grammar points, or it has to be done individually? I would like to change the type from manual to “reveal and grade”. If not currently possible is that a planned update?


You can do it by each individual Deck.
We also have plans to have a global Review-type settings for both Grammar and Vocab too.

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Could we please make this customizable in some way (even in a very simple way)? The issue for me is that I suffer from chronic, demotivating perfectionism. In other words, I’ve been a perfectionist pretty much my whole life; but it has got to the point where my perfectionistic mind, when it ‘kicks in’, no longer motivates me to ‘get it just right’, but instead has ‘burnt out’ and now demotivates me.

When I see a message akin to, “Pretty good, … but you missed 13 boxes.” (or whatever), my burnt-out perfectionist mind instantly goes, “Ugh… You mean it’s judging me now?! 80% not good enough?? :man_facepalming: For cryin’ out loud, I just want to enjoy learning again! Leave me alone!!”

Of course I realize that this is all in my head, and for others they may find such ‘close, try harder’ messages encouraging, but it’s just too ingrained in my brain by this point. What I need is to get away from all external judgment.

Another way of putting this is that I need to celebrate every little success, no matter how tiny. Even if I get 0% correct, I need to celebrate the fact that I even did a review session at all!

So, at bare minimum, could we have it customizable so that if you ‘turn it off’ in our settings, then it will always just display a simple encouraging message, such as perhaps something like,
“Yay! :partying_face: You finished another review session! :smiley: Keep doing your best! :+1:
「わーい! :partying_face: 別の復習が完了しました! :smiley: これからも頑張ってください! :+1:
(I know this is a bit ‘over-the-top’. :sweat_smile: Feel free to re-word it into a simpler message. Whatever. Just something generically positive and encouraging, please! :pray:

So, that’s the basic request. Here are some other possible solutions, off the top of my head (just brainstorming):

  • Basic ‘off’ setting, with simple positive message regardless of correct/incorrect answers during reviews, as described already above. Basically, just allow us to ‘opt out’ of score-based messaging.
  • Customizable messages: User can edit or supply their own messages based on whatever score-based criterion the existing system uses when it selects which message-type to show.
  • Customizable ‘tone’: Allow user to select from a few different ‘pre-sets’ of messages. Examples:
    • Default (like the current messages),
    • Always Encouraging (what I would choose),
    • Encouraging with Prompting (like “Great! Keep working on those tricky vocabs!” or whatever),
    • Just The Facts, Ma’am (“This session ranked at the 84th percentile compared to all your previous sessions.” Or something like that.),
    • Tough Love (“If you want to be great at Japanese, you need to do more cram sessions!”),
    • Nitpicky / Focus on Weak-spots (“Yeah, you may have only missed 10% of Vocabs, but you also missed 30% of Grammar!” Or whatever),
    • Bully (“Haha! You suck!”) (Just kidding! :sweat_smile:)
  • Customizable conditions: Allow the user to adjust the various ‘thresholds’ that are in place for selecting which message-type to show. I’m guessing the current conditions are something along the lines of: 100% = Perfect-message, >90% = Great-job, >80% = Made-some-mistakes, >70 = You-missed-X-boxes, etc. Well, this suggestion just means allowing the user to change those threshold numbers. In this case, for example, I would change the “Great-job” threshold to be from 0 <= score < 100%, and keep “Perfect” for the rare case where I get 100%.

I feel like using the x or check and then the arrow to the side of it would be the most user friendly.

Im soo with you. Perfectionism burnout is such a punk I swear. Right now I usually just skip past any finishing messages. Take a glace at the percentage and exit.

So I would really love this!! Im honestly torn between choosing Just The Facts and bully :rofl: Id probaly choose bully just because I would find it funny in a sarcastic way like “you didnt miss any? pffffft nerd

that or make my own bully with customized messages


@veritas_nz Tabs are detached from the main container due to pb-12 CSS class (and pb-0 also there, but pb-12 takes precedence).


I’ve removed any non-encouraging words from the summary header.

Maybe at some point in time in the future we can provide a mixture of encouragement tones!


This has been fixed!
Good catch :cowboy_hat_face:


When browser tab was accidentally closed and reopened again, looks like all failed items are in review queue again as if I didn’t give a wrong answer. If I answer correctly, it just bumps its SRS level as if I answer it the first time in the session.
Seems like a bug to me.

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Yeah we need to implement a proper fix to this…
I have some ideas as to what we can do

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プチ Reviews 2.0 Update #4

Review Settings Menu Features



When pressing enter to submit an answer as unknown, you have to press enter twice again (rather than just once) to move to the next question (minor nitpick) see video for demonstration:


Yeah I noticed this too on the weekend while doing my Reviews.
Will get to fixing it today!

EDIT: Fixed~

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So uh…what exactly does marking it as unknown do?
what this meaniing

Does this reset it to SRS 1? Or, I mean what does it do? I tried searching and found this page but I don’t really see an answer. I check FAQ but couldn’t find anything. I actually didn’t know it existed until I accidentally pressed enter.

Can I get the skinny on this please

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im not completely sure but i think it just fails the question as if you got the answer incorrect

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Ya I think that is probably what it does, but I’d still like them to give me a straight answer on it. I even clicked on the blue text because it looks like that should give the explanation but no they prank me.

I personally think we shouldn’t have to guess what a feature does but have it explained in full in an area that is easy to find.

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It just marks it wrong for you so that you don’t need to input a fake answer, and progress faster. In terms of how it alters your progress for that point, it’s the same as getting it wrong.

A lot of people usually just input あああ or something similar when they don’t remember the answer. After looking at the data, we didn’t consider this to be a common enough interaction to warrant a button (like you see for Undo, or See Info) so it’s slightly more hidden on purpose. Our intention is for you to run into it when you need it, to avoid clutter or over-explaining.

As for the clickable looking text, I think it’s a very valid assumption to think that as it’s using our accent color. We’ll change it to something that doesn’t look clickable, because it’s not.

Hope this clears that up, I’ll see that it gets changed. Thanks for your feedback!