Scarecrowfield's Study Log

About me/Background

Brazilian teenager with too many hobbies and likes. Passionate about languages, learned English as a kid, had unsuccessful attempts at learning Japanese, French and German before, studied Korean off and on for 4 years — which helped learning (and confusing) some things — and know some Spanish.

Came back to Japanese in June 2024, initially dabbling, but had too much fun and without noticing I was doing it almost daily. Started Wanikani and Bunpro on September 9. Decided to start this Study Log because I was inspired by some others, not sure how often I’ll update it.


Akashelia’s Study Log - Wanikani
:cloud_with_rain: soggy’s study log :cloud_with_rain: - Wanikani
Hotdog’s diary/study log :hotdog: - Wanikani
Polishing off 2 years of rust (Study log) - Bunpro
:sunny::desert_island: the taiyousea study log :desert_island:
:yellow_heart: Weeb’s Study Log :yellow_heart:
Ahrina’s Stu’Tea Log







:zap:Current Stats

Uptaded weekly

Wanikani (8)

SRS Total Radicals Kanji Vocabulary
Apprentice 86 12 14 60
Guru 439 41 102 296
Master 457 91 108 258
Enlightened 128 50 34 44
Burned 0 0 0 0

Bunpro — Grammar

N5 126/126 100%
N4 32/177 18%

Bunpro — Vocabulary

N5 900/1100 81%
N4 57/1100 5%

:zap:Current Routine

  • Wanikani (10~25 lessons daily)
  • Satori Reader (1~ episode daily)
  • Genki 2 (1~2 lessons weekly)
  • Complete Beginner Japanese (~1 video daily)
  • Tadoku (1~2 stories daily)
Want to insert into my routine somehow

:zap:Goals until 2025

  • [] Reach lvl 12 on Wanikani
  • [] Finish N4 grammar on Bunpro
  • [] Build the habit of reading everyday
  • [] Build the habit of listening often

Have you ever worked with GitHub READMEs?
Cos your post looks like one nice readme 🤌

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Thank for your compliment. I haven’t, actually. But I admit that I’ve read many READMEs in my life. I think I unconsciously did that because I hate confusing guides and didn’t want my study log to be like that


Week 1 (Oct 20 - Oct 26) - Goals

  • [x] Wanikani → reach level 6
  • [x] Genki II → lesson 14
  • [x] Vocabulary → add at least 70 new words on Bunpro
  • [x] Listening → Comprehensible Japanese (YT) at least 3 videos

Since I’ve been doing Wanikani + Bunpro for 40 days without fail, I want to start putting some listening practice into my routine again (since I have a habit of neglecting listening)


Wanikani (5)

SRS Total Radicals Kanji Vocabulary
Apprentice 52 0 23 29
Guru 360 69 87 204
Master 255 75 57 123
Enlightened 0 0 0 0
Burned 0 0 0 0

Bunpro — Grammar

N5 126/126 100%
N4 11/177 6%

Bunpro — Vocabulary

N5 792/1100 72%
N4 11/1100 1%

Mid-week update:
Reached level 6 yesterday. I have 40 vocab words in lessons and some kanji (cries)
I set some easy goals for this week on purpose, because I know my life has some unexpected twists (and that I tend to overwork myself). And I’m happy that I did. Yesterday, I would have completed everything if I hadn’t hit my head on the wall (I’m much better, at least) or if some assignments hadn’t appeared out of nowhere. So I’ll be easier on myself for now and try to manage my reviews, at least until the end of the week.

some random thoughts:

  • 年中 is on my Wall of Shame, I can’t remember for my life that is ねんじゅう not ねんちゅう
  • I keep thinking that かもしれない is “might not” not “might”
  • 出す is weird
  • I’m almost graduating from High School, it’s so close that I can taste it. I think this is making me too restless (with the amount of things my school pulls out of who knows where).

Week 2 (Oct 27 - Nov 02) - Goals

  • [x] Wanikani → reach level 7
  • [x] Genki II → lesson 15
  • [x] Vocabulary → add at least 70 new words on Bunpro
  • [x] Listening → Comprehensible Japanese (YT) at least 4 videos

Until about Nov 10, that’s what I’ll be doing, since now I’m sure that even if something goes unexpected, that’s a routine I can follow for now. Watching Comprehensible Japanese Absolute Beginner videos made me happier than I realized it would. Some weeks ago I understood because of the clues, now I understand because I really know it.


Wanikani (6)

SRS Total Radicals Kanji Vocabulary
Apprentice 76 1 24 51
Guru 437 82 90 265
Master 308 80 76 152
Enlightened 0 0 0 0
Burned 0 0 0 0

Bunpro — Grammar

N5 126/126 100%
N4 16/177 9%

Bunpro — Vocabulary

N5 876/1100 79%
N4 30/1100 2%

Week 3 (Nov 03 - Nov 09) - Goals

  • [x] Wanikani → reach level 8
  • [x] Genki II → lesson 16
  • [] Vocabulary → add at least 50 new words on Bunpro
  • [x] Listening → Comprehensible Japanese (YT) at least 5 videos
  • [x] Tadoku → read 700 pages of LVL 0 free books

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! I almost didn’t complete my vocabulary goal because I overestimated myself in finals (I was an idiot), but somehow I did it! Even if I had to get rid of a huge review backlog on Bunpro yesterday (my most insane 337 reviews, for sure). I changed the vocab goal for this week to make it easier to start incorporating reading into my routine again.

I’m so tired, but at the same time so happy. My plan is to add Satori Reader to my routine next week, but we’ll see how I do on this one.

Somehow I managed Wanikani just fine, if not only for some days that this happens, but I still manage to do my reviews even at 9 pm. Sometimes I wished that Wanikani was like Anki and would be possible to do reviews anytime, and it wouldn’t change much.

Screenshot 2024-11-02 001729

Also, I got my first 19 items in Enlightened this week and have a study streak of 55 days on both Wanikani and Bunpro, the most consistent I’ve been in all my life.

Wish everyone a good week!


Wanikani (7)

SRS Total Radicals Kanji Vocabulary
Apprentice 94 19 18 57
Guru 437 47 93 297
Master 427 97 115 215
Enlightened 19 19 0 0
Burned 0 0 0 0

Bunpro — Grammar

N5 126/126 100%
N4 22/177 12%

Bunpro — Vocabulary

N5 922/1100 83%
N4 54/1100 4%

:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: Week 4 (Nov 10 - Nov 16) :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

:zap:Goals for this week

  • [] Wanikani → reach level 9
  • [] Genki II → lesson 17 and 18
  • [] Satori Reader → at least 7 episodes
  • [] Listening → Comprehensible Japanese (YT) at least 5 videos
  • [] Tadoku → read 7 LVL 0 stories

:zap:Other goals

Meditation [x] [] [] [] [] [] []
Exercise [] [] [] [] [] [] []
Declutter [x] [] [] [] [] [] []
Skincare [x] [] [] [] [] [] []


My routine cleared, so I decided to finally start Satori Reader (Sakura and Suzuki) and doubling grammar. Also, I decided to remove the vocab goal, because it was getting too much, so I'll only add vocab that appears in Satori. My plan is to do intensive reading in Satori and extensive in Tadoku.

One of my biggest inspiration at the moment (besides Akashelia) is taiyousea, although I can’t explain exactly the reason.

Wish everyone a good week!



Title Level Type Progress
:busts_in_silhouette: Sakura and Suzuki’s Long Distance Relationship Easier Novel? 0%


Wanikani (8)

SRS Total Radicals Kanji Vocabulary
Apprentice 86 12 14 60
Guru 439 41 102 296
Master 457 91 108 258
Enlightened 128 50 34 44
Burned 0 0 0 0

Bunpro — Grammar

N5 126/126 100%
N4 32/177 18%

Bunpro — Vocabulary

N5 900/1100 81%
N4 57/1100 5%


Decided to change the formatting and add other goals beside Japanese since I was inspired by some people. Also add some other things.

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