Immersion Log Let's try something new!

Yesterday I took a free lesson set up by the government. If you live in Japan and your level is above N3 I think this is a great chance. Before I couldn’t understand old people at all so it’s good listening practice! :smiley:


Down another 30 pages over the last two days, going strong with my book atm :slight_smile:
At this pace I’ll get done by Christmas instead of at the end of the year. Really glad that my speed seems to be increasing as well, might get to some of the other books in my back log over the holiday season.

If anybody has any Japanese history podcasts (history podcasts in Japanese, not podcasts about Japanese history) to recommend I’d be happy to try some out! I like to neglect my audio input, and I think I want to make the switch to mainly listening to podcasts about topics I enjoy in Japanese.


Besides my Bunpro reviews, I didn’t do anything in Japanese today: I studied Korean instead. Eh, such is life. :woman_shrugging:t2:


For some time I’ve been reading the first Harry Potter in Japanese. It’s great practice because we all know the story well so as a first book I really enjoy it. I can definitely see the difference between when I started and now: sometimes I can read a few paragraphs before hitting something I don’t understand while I had to read the first 10 pages maybe 30 times to understand the grammar and whatnot.

70% down, 30% to go, hoping to finish before new year :slight_smile:


Let’s go!!
I tried to read some of it a while ago, it’s quite a bit more difficult than 秒速5センチメートル, but I might read it after I get done with my current books.
I have 18 pages left now, looks like I’ll get done on the next or second next train ride :slight_smile:


Hello, today I came back to 多読 and read this one.

Good て form and ていた practice. I learned some interesting verbs, like 座り込む and 立ち上げる, some useful 形容詞 like 分厚い, the adverb ようやく (which I think would be synonym to 到頭) and the expression 顔を見せる.

In fact, I saw the usefulness of the verb suffix -こむ, which deserves two lessons in N3 (this one and this one).

All in all, I was a good read, 良読りょうどく if I may say so.


Great idea indeed!

I see there is this copy available. Is this the one you are reading?

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I first bought this one but then had to download an epub version to be able to use yomitan to read (which is a life saver btw, as it can give definitions on the fly and I can also add a few cards to Anki each day with it). I think the epub I got is the same but I’m not 100% sure.


I “read” an article on NHK Easy News. My reading isn’t quite there yet…

Back to Tadoku I go!


Been there today, read this one.

Nice story, bittersweet feeling (悲喜こもごもの気持ち). I learned the word 葉桜, which is explained within the story. I saw this expression ‘抱き合ったまま’, combining two grammar points I saw recently.

Learned these nouns ‘寝たきり’ and ‘やりとり’, that the counter for letters is 'つう, this 擬態語 ‘こっそり’ and saw that you can て置く the verb 置く itself.

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I Missed… several days.
Since last time I have:
read acyanto’s article on note about miso soup
Read Neon Kitsune’s article about bread.
Watched more Kevin’s English Room
Read 2 books on tadoku, thanks Neon Kitsune

Read about movies showing.
The website for the local skating rink.
Looked further into onsens and chose one.
I looked up the place my work is hosting Enkai
I booked a hotel… using their English site so it doesn’t count.


Read a chapter of Blue Exorcist [45 pages]


Read this artical. Thanks Bing. I also hung out with Japanese people.
カフェマニアが教える『Eggs ‘n Things』の“パンケーキじゃない方グルメ”の楽しみ方 (

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I watched this Let’s play
And made these recipies
忙しい朝でも大丈夫♪さくさくアメリカンワッフル レシピ・作り方 by さー88|楽天レシピ
濃厚な甘さに癒される「エッグノック」とは?自分流にアレンジ自在 - macaroni


Today I read the first chapter of Usagi Drop.


TIL of 気障ボーイ. Although it was written as キザボーイ in 「スキップとローファー」 (my favourite manga to date).


Today I read four news in NEWS WEB EASY, no ふりがな and jisho by my side to check if I got right the new words’ pronunciation and meaning:

  • this one on fining bycicle riders that violate the circulation rules,
  • this one on up-to-date data on Japan population forecast for 2050, -food for thought-
  • this one on the intention to shorten the security transit time in Japan airports, and
  • this one on the problems Daihatsu is experimenting as a result of this.

I had a failed immersion session yesterday! I got Super Mario RPG for Christmas and I decided it would be a swell idea to attempt to play in Japanese.

…I soon switched my Switch settings back to English. I’ll try again another time.


Today I saw Totto chan in theaters.
I understood everything, Yay!


Hi, 明けましておめでとうございます.

Today I read two sad news in NEWS WEB EASY:

  • this one on the earthquake at Ishikawa prefecture and its aftermath, and
  • this one on the accident at Haneda Airport, where a JAL airplane and a Japan Coast Guard aircraft crashed.

Hope to read brighter news in the next days.