SRS Speed

I’ve been using Bunpro for roughly a week. I enjoy the amount of content and consistency but am finding the pace really fast. My Wanikani srs is drastically slower where I get a full deck a day roughly.

My Bunpro resets the whole deck every hour and for me it’s overwhelming. Was hoping someone knew of a way to change the srs speed - I cant seem to find it anywhere.

Thanks for any assistance.


It shouldn’t reset every hour, I think you’re getting a lot of ghost reviews. They’re extra reviews for grammar points that you incorrectly answered and they use their own SRS timings separate from the normal SRS system.

You can customize them (on/off/minimal) in your Settings (設定) > General (一般) and then Ghosts (ゴースト).

Edit: It’s also possible that you’re adding too many new grammar points a day. I usually did 20 new items a day on WK but that would be totally overkill on here. Grammar is much more complex than Kanji/Vocab, so take it easy. Doing 4 new grammar points a day gives me around 60-70 reviews a day, including ghost reviews (set to “on”).


Thanks for the advice - however Im uncertain what ghost reviews are. Are they similar to “burned” in wanikani?

In wanikani i only get somewhere around 20 new reviews every 6 hours. At the current pace I am not retaining information, just making mistakes

My grammar point are also set to 4 new grammar points a day, however I get over 150 reviews (current level 11) every few hours. I like to use bunpro / wanikani 2-3x a day but am feeling overwhelmed.

Can i ask how many decks you have favourited at a time? Will more than one deck be reviewed at a time if you favourite more than one?


by the way i turned off my ghost reviews from your suggestion and my reviews went from 156 to 180 lol.


Probably you’ll just need to slow down on adding new grammar lessons, and stick to just focusing on doing the reviews, until they get back down to a manageable level.

Or, if it’s really bad, you can always “Remove From Reviews” on some of the harder grammar points, to get your review stack down.

I’d suggest starting slow and finding your pace that way, rather than starting with a bunch of new lessons all at once. (In other words, don’t add new lessons until you feel comfortable with your current review levels. It’s not quite like WK, where it is typical to add a certain # of lessons every day, to keep to a kind of ‘schedule’. It’s better only to add new lessons when you’re ready for taking on more.)

If you get your grammar pace down, but still want more reviews per day, you could try using the new Vocab feature, and add some extra vocab lessons. The vocab is much easier than the grammar, so it can act as like a ‘filler’ type of review, in between the usual grammar reviews. (By ‘filler’, I just mean it doesn’t take as much mental effort; I don’t mean that it’s useless or ‘fluff’. :sweat_smile:)

Info about Vocab feature here: Update: 2/17 - Decks & Vocab Beta

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Right on, thats a good idea. I currently only have 53ish grammar points open to me right now out of i think 176 in N4? However I didnt expect my reviews to be +3x the grammar points.

do grammar points that you continually get correct end up being burned like in wanikani?

Ghost reviews are additional reviews for things you answered incorrectly. For example, you get the answer for the grammar points “から” wrong, then you’d get a normal review for it and a ghost review, meaning two reviews for one grammar point.

If you make a lot of mistakes then you’d have a lot of ghost reviews. You can see your amount of ghost reviews on your dashboard (main page).

With that in mind, your reviews should go way down if you turn of ghost reviews, not sure what’s up with that. Could you maybe share a screenshot of your dashboard page?

Oh and yes, you can “burn” answers here as well, the “Sage/賢人” SRS level should be the equivalent.


one could maybe add that the ghost review is for reviewing the exact sentence that you had a mistake in. This way you can train the special nuance that the sentence asked for.

I have my ghost setting usualy on minimal so I don’t get too many ghosts / no ghost for making a typo once


Hey. I think compared to wanikani the amount of lessons we can follow is the confusing part. We can set it to two lesson points a day as a goal. But I think Bunpro doesn’t stop us from taking in many more. While Wanikani offers a fixed amount that you have to pass before you can move on. To me it isn’t really clear if a grammar point is a part of a lesson or if a grammar point is a lesson.


Yeah you can theoretically learn as many as you want per day depending on your study habits, etc. Perhaps you’ve already done 2 lessons a day but you came across a new grammar point in the wild and want to study + add that to your review queue right away, for example.

I’m slightly unsure what exactly you mean by this, so please correct me if I’m wrong~! Inside of each JLPT level, there are 10 different Lessons groupings with roughly the same amount of grammar points inside each Lesson.

This will help visualize it a bit better I think. Based upon the content team’s grouping logic (what’s similar, what’s useful, priorities, etc.) grammar points are put inside each lesson for a specific cause. To answer your initial question - grammar points are all part of lessons, but they’re really just there for grouping and outside of that don’t really impact the overall use of the site outside of setting up a starting and end point for each JLPT level.

A tad difficult to explain over writing, sorry :sweat_smile: if you have any more questions please continue to ask! Welcome to Bunpro! :octopus:

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personally, I prefer bunpro way more than Wanikani in that regard. the ability to take more lessons or switch what kind of grammar\vocab you’re learning. Bunpro is a more open concept compared to wanikani. Though if you are just coming into Bunpro with no grammar experience at all, I can see it being confusing. but as Ed had said, they follow a path the made if you do not have any books, if that’s something you need.


Thank you for the help