Syncing Wanikani vocab does not sync across all BunPro vocab decks

I’ve recently started doing vocab reviews - however, I’ve noticed that every time I sync with Wanikani only the vocab from the N5 and N4 decks are synced and the others, such as the N3 deck, are not synced at all.

For example, using a clean API key I can immediately see that there are items that are marked as Guru+ in Wanikani that haven’t been synced:

Here is Wanikani Stats for the verb 殺すmarked as in progress with the same API Key:


  • Add a new Wanikani API key to BunPro.
  • Click Sync Wanikani Vocab. Wait for operation to complete.
  • Vocab is only synced for the N5 & N4 decks, but not for any of the others.

Obviously, this makes the other non-syncable decks less useful to learn in tandem with Wanikani - is it possible to fix this?


Also, as a side note - I noticed the Sync Wanikani Vocab button triggers a long-running HTTP request.

Have you considered triggering an async job for syncing vocab, then immediately returning an HTTP 202 Accepted code from the server. The UI could notify the user that the vocab is being synced in the background.

The reason I mention this is that it occurred to me that the reason only N5 & N4 decks are synced could be because the HTTP request is taking too long if all other vocab decks are synced as well.



I also have some problems with syncing. I never noticed that it is a problem with N3 and higher; but that would make sense, since it worked when there was only N4 and N5 available and now doesn’t seem to do anything with N3 and higher. When I click at the button I get a wheel that never stops turning. When I use the developer tools I see that a request is sent to user_sync_wanikani_vocab which (after a long time) is answered with error code 503. Are you seeing the same behavior? It’s good to know that I am at least not the only one with this problem.

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Yeah, we’ve been noticing it too. Just referencing another thread from 3 days ago.

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@CaramelButterfly @nyarle I haven’t been seeing a 503 error - although I am only around 18 levels through Wanikani. Perhaps if you have got further and have more items to sync it fails?


@ThePurpleOrange I am level 52 on WaniKani, so that could be possible. But it does not really make sense to me, because that would mean that the Bunpro backend starts the sync process, gives up sometimes in the middle (syncing only N4 and N5) and then returns with an success even though it did not finish. And in some cases it would detect a problem and return an error code. Also I think it just would either iterate through the Bunpro items and then query the WK API for each item(which explains why some lessons work but should not take longer when there are more known items in WK) or iterate through known WK items (this would take longer but then all levels should be partially synced because I don’t expect WaniKani vocabulary to be in Bunpro order). I could be that the limit on N5/N4 is intentional to limit the amount of data but it stills fails in some circumstances? Can I asked how long the sync takes for you?

@nyarle Your problem seems similar to mine. I also have it for quiet some time now. I noticed it around 2 months ago. I already tried different browsers and a new API key but nothing seems to work. I also did submit a bug report using the contact form two months ago.


@CaramelButterfly It usually takes around 30 seconds, or thereabouts. I assume the exclusion of the vocab decks beyond N5 & N4 is either because it is considered to take too long, or that when it was implemented the other vocab decks didn’t exist and the task specifically references the N5/N4 decks and never got updated.

Obviously, all speculation - but something doesn’t seem quite right with it.

@veritas_nz Any ideas what could be going on here?


@ThePurpleOrange For me it takes around 30s until I get a 503 reply.
The sync function only updating N4/N5 by design also sounds possible but that would also be kinda strange. Especially since the different levels were added quite quickly after another so when the sync function was implemented it was already planed to add more vocab decks.

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This is most likely because we haven’t added 100% of the vocab Wanikani has to our vocab lists. We do currently have about 22k words in our database but there are ~1000 or so that we need to add still. Once they are uploaded you should be able to sync them. Sorry for the confusion :bowing_man:

I did the sync and all the vocabulary I studied through wanikani is added. The problem is that all this vocabulary is “master”, and that’s why I never revise it. Is this right? Is the idea really that he enters as a master?

@Jake Apologies, I may not have made it clear with all the follow up comments, but the main issue I am facing is that items that are already in Bunpro are not being marked as Mastered by the vocab sync - it seems to be only vocab items in the N5/N4 decks are synced.

For example, the verb 殺すis already present in Bunpro - here - and also present in Wanikani - here. However, if you try to sync vocab this item and none of the other items that should match in the N3/N2/N1 vocab decks get marked as Mastered.

From what I’ve heard there are some less useful vocab items in Wanikani so having them all in Bunpro isn’t a requirement for me, but being able to exclude ones that do clash with the sync would be very helpful.


@lucasfraga95 I believe that is the intended behaviour so you don’t have to study the same vocab twice across SRS decks. Although, being able to choose which level like Seasoned/Expert ect to sync to would be useful.

yeah, i think it would be cool to be able to choose. Because wanikani is very good for studying kanji, but sometimes it’s bad for not putting the vocabulary in context. And also to review what I’ve studied previously, right…

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I have solved part of the problem and you should now be able to sync your wk data for words we have in our database.

We are working on adding the ones that are not so they can be synced as well.

Also thank you for the suggestion on setting an srs level. We will look into that :+1:


@Jake Thanks a lot - I can confirm that it is now syncing across all decks for me. Thanks!

The response from the request does return a 503, but it seems to resolve itself in the background after a period of time.

Also, would it be possible for syncing vocab to not add xp? I’m conscious that the majority of my XP is probably from synced vocab items :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I now see the same behavior as @The PurpleOrange: The request returns 503 and the symbol next to the sync button keeps spinning but the sync works now.

Thank you!

Thank you for fixing this! :smiley:

Bumping this because it is not syncing the N3 deck for me
(now it’s synced)

It does for me (mostly). I do sometimes stumble upon words where I feel like they should be guru on wanikani but I didn’t check so far.

It might be just a delay in the sync.