
The question is: 日本で日本語能力試験が1年_______2回行われます。

I answered with に, however the correct answer is ごとに.

What’s the difference between these two and why aren’t they interchangeable in this situation?

To make matters more confusing, the grammar page for に even states “Timeframe + に + Number of Times”, which fits perfectly in the sentence above (Timeframe =1年_______2回=Number of Times).

Help is appreciated. :+1:

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I believe に is perfectly valid grammar there. I get that Bunpro is testing your knowledge of ごとに, but this should have been one of those cases where they go “Yes this is also correct, but try saying it differently.”

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Hey :grinning:

@Liras348 @GreenAirplane

You are completely right it is acceptable, actually, I would say that using ごとに would be less natural than using in case of “periodにoccurences”.

Another alternative would be につき:

[Number+Counter] + につき + … + [Number2]

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