う - Verbs[ない・ません]- Grammar Discussion

う - Verbs (negative form)



+ らない
+ わない
+ かない
+ さない
+ たない
+ なない
+ ばない
+ まない
+ がない

ある → ない


+ りません
+ らない です

+ いません
+ わない です

+ きません
+ かない です

+ しません
+ さない です

+ ちません
+ たない です

+ にません
+ なない です

+ びません
+ ばない です

+ みません
+ まない です

+ ぎません
+ がない です

ある → ありません

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For crying out loud, stop using verbs that end with る when you’re quizzing for う-verbs. Unless I missed a lesson for memorizing う-verbs that end with る, it feels like some cheap ‘gotcha!’ or trick question.
Also, the explanation for identifying verbs ending withる that are う-verbs is completely unhelpful in terms of lesosns (“These verbs can be identified by the る changing, rather than being removed when conjugated”). That’s nice, but until I actually conjugate the verb, I won’t know if it’s a る-verb or not. And then I failed the test.

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Hey there! Thanks for reaching out.

Remember that in essence, verbs will always fall into one of three categories:

  • Godan (Also known as う-verbs, one-step or Group 1 Verbs)
  • Ichidan (Also known as る-verbs, five-step or Group 2 Verbs)
  • Special verbs (くる and する, or Group 3 Verbs)

This is a fundamental part of Japanese, so it’s super useful to have a solid grasp of it.

Ichidan and godan る-ending verbs can be tricky to differentiate from one another, I can totally see where your frustration comes from. I’ve listed some resources here for you to help you out!

In the off-chance that you skipped those lessons (we don’t teach ない・ません without teaching the base lesson first), here they are:

This video helped me out a lot back when I was studying this concept:

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any more questions.


That video was super helpful!


Just to clarify so I don’t get it mixed up, Godan Verbs are five-step and Ichidan Verbs are one-step right?

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That is exactly right!

Godan and Ichidan both literally mean that, five-steps or one-step!

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The “intentionally not” vs “unintentionally not” is reversed for る vs う verbs. Is that (heh) intentional?

