What does an "A10 noun" mean?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out from BunPro or even Google searches what the A-x levels means for vocab! It can’t be CEFR levels, right? Since those are limited to A1 and A2, and BunPro lists vocab as A3+ …


Yeah, it is a bit confusing since CEFR uses A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. However, the explanation is quite simple: A here stands for “Additional” (a list of words). We have 15 lists of additional words, each containing around 1000 words, in the order they were added to Bunpro.

So, A1 means the first batch of 1000 vocabulary items that were added to Bunpro after we finished adding all of the N5–N1 vocabulary

More details here: