Will there ever be a graph showing community stats?

Maybe this already has been done and I missed it, but I recall someone on wanikani made a post with a ton of graphs regarding user data, like a graph showing # of people per level, most commonly missed items in a level, and other random trivia. It was a joy to look at, will that ever happen here? The bunpro wrapped was pretty sweet and I’d love to see more stuff like that too


I honestly don’t see why not assuming some of the specific data is easy to be pulled. The reception to the first wrap-up was awesome, maybe we could do a summer version for community stats to tide people over until the main one at the end of the year? :thinking:


Someone already made a graph of player per level Number of Users per Level using the public info about players Bunpro Community.

You can find informations about the community badges (list of badges and how many time ppl got theme available here Bunpro Community), perhaps I can make a graph of this one day.

In term of accuracy, except the global accuracy per jlpt level (Log in - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro), I’m not aware of any data available :smiley: I would love to know if I’m also struggling with the same grammar points than everyone else. If the Bunpro team have that information, perhaps they are using it to adjust the descriptions and make complex grammar points clearer ?

In term of fun graphs, I made a few months ago a generator of reviews, to have an approximation of the amount of reviews you will have if you learn xxx grammar points per day for a specific accuracy (Simulation of number of reviews per day over time). You just need to add your data on the 1st code cell, and then run the codes (play buttons on the left of each cell).

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Not related to community stats, but i put together a stats website for BunPro, Wankanki, and Anki.
I wanted to add some more info to the BunPro sections before posting to the BP forums but I’ve been busy lately :sweat_smile:



This is awesome! I was able to link WaniKani, but ran into an error when I tried BunPro.

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'level')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'level')
    at Se (https://nihongostats.com/assets/BunProDashboard-693c69d7.js:1:4701)
    at https://nihongostats.com/assets/BunProDashboard-693c69d7.js:1:5323
    at Object.useMemo (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:6:25823)
    at g.useMemo (https://nihongostats.com/assets/Typography-3c4891b6.js:1:7337)
    at Be (https://nihongostats.com/assets/BunProDashboard-693c69d7.js:1:5311)
    at yu (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:6:19503)
    at df (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:43902)
    at sf (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:39683)
    at Ev (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:39611)
    at Ao (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:39466)
    at Ui (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:35849)
    at is (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:36651)
    at Qn (https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:6:3265)
    at https://nihongostats.com/assets/localforage-304176ec.js:8:34186

I just learned that the BunPro team recently removed the API endpoints I used to create this :sweat_smile: .

I found these endpoints in the old open source iOS app. I don’t think the BP team has updated their API docs in a while so I won’t be able to fix it in the short term.

Maybe @Jake / @EdBunpro could let me know if there is a new API available. Seems like the new iOS is closed source so I can’t just check like the old one.