All Reviews At X Time Per Day

Is it possible we could have a feature that makes all reviews come in at a certain time per day?

My hours working and the time I have to study is not consistent everyday, and its very common that occasionally I will be unable to do the reviews that come in later during the day as I may need to sleep early etc.

In my example, is there a way I could have it so all reviews for the day become available at say 5AM no matter what?


Often people just leave it for that next day and after a while your reviews will just line up.

Maybe some sort of day rounding thing would be nice.


I have to agree with you. I do find it a bit weird that this app doesn’t do all the reviews for the day at once like Anki does. Even in Anki you can choose the time a new day starts. I am curious why that methodology wasn’t the default used in Bunpro. My guess is to copy how WaniKani implements their SRS system.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s a pretty minor problem, I guess.


Second this, would love to have this feature! I usually do my reviews in the morning so I seem to alternate between having like 3 reviews one day and 36 the next. I like the Anki way of doing things.


Should say as well as I do use Anki, which is the main inspiration for this as there is many times where I end up waking early to do my reviews as I already know I won’t be able to access my computer around the normal 5pm-6pm block due to work.

The lower intervals are below 24 hours, I guess that’s why it is like it is. Same for the ghosts feature.

A solution could be user defined intervals (so you can start with 24 hours as smallest interval) in combination with an option to combine all reviews of one day but unfortunately that’s not an option so far.

I would also like to have a Anki-like solution for that. The users should decide at what time they can learn and not the SRS algorithm. E.g. on weekdays I would prefer doing them before work and during lunch break but never in the evening. On weekends I would prefer the evenings. That doesn’t work at all with the way Bunpro works today and I hate it because it forces me to do the reviews at times where I don’t want to do them. Anki is much less annoying in that regard.

And maybe it’s just me, but getting new items that you can’t really memorize yet multiple times a day seems to be of no use. Sometimes the brain just needs a little bit of time to digest stuff.

The auto-suspend feature of Anki would also be nice. Cards that you just can’t memorize for now would be temporary removed after a certain amount of misses instead of going into an endless loop between beginner and adept level. Makes reviews less frustrating and saves time. After a while you can manually reactivate them and check whether your brain now works better with them. I do that in Anki all the time and it works quite well and makes the reviews more pleasant because the really annoying and frustrating stuff is kept down.


Your use case is spot on for me as well. The same design in WaniKani where the reviews come in staggered throughout the day is no use to me, it only hinders as the time I may have available cannot be used as I need to wait until ‘4PM’ or equivalent before being able to do them.

That’s one of the best parts of Anki, at times I’ve even done the opposite and pushed forward when a ‘day’ is, as using a computer was unavailable for that day until extremely late at night.

That thing has been bothering me for a while actually. I would like to be able to set up the minimal interval to 24 hours and do all of my review in one go. I’ve been using different SRS throughout the years, and it’s the first time I’m seeing such a short interval. If it was useful to me, I wouldn’t mind, but my retention rate is not better than in Anki, so I don’t really see the point in it.

I’d be curious to compare the retention rate of others, to see if it’s useful for some people.

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Had same thing again today… Had time to use in the morning before my shift, but I was only provided 30 of the 80 reviews I had total for that day.

If they were all set to come in at 5am daily or the like, I would have been able to complete them all but as it is I now need to do another session later on to get those other 50 reviews.

honestly yeah, i would love if there was an option to have all my reviews at once for a day because why is it telling me i have 30 reviews for a day and then in the evening theres 30 more when the srs didnt even mention that.

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While not untrue, this can occasionally result in situations like “oops, I didn’t have a chance to do my reviews until an hour or two or three later and now the rhythm is out of wack” and, while this isn’t that important, I do occasionally feel a pressure to get the reviews done asap and end up making more mistakes if the next hour is about to roll over because of it.


I would love to have this as a feature too. It just feels good to know you have your reviews done for the day.

So far I still only do it once per day in the morning for the most part, but it does throw things off when I do it later in the day. Another reason to request the all-at-once feature.

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For now, I’m going to try to set up my new grammar points to beginner 4. Which means having the next review in 24 hours, and the following one in 48h. It means I need to add new grammar points a day in advance, but that way, the minimum interval is 24 hours.
I guess it will do the trick (unless I fail them of course). I guess it’s a good motivation to study them better.

In the meanwhile, is there a way to tag the Bunpro team in order to have a response from them on that matter?

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@rustx @Sidgr @JonerPotet

This feature is now available in the Reviews Settings page, under General > Review Queueing Timing.


Wow thank you so much! This is going to be a huge help for my studies as I no longer will be missing / unintentionally stacking portions of my reviews.


I’m assuming it doesn’t affect the 4 and 8 hour intervals?


Thread revealing a problem I didn’t even realize I had haha, I’m grateful this feature suggestion was made and implemented - I’m gonna try the new way out and see how it feels :muscle:


just out of curiosity, how does this affect ghost/beginner intervals? im still probably gonna use the daily review thing anyways, but are they unaffected or do they always start on a new day?

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One of our devs described it as so:

Any review for the next day, after 3am, will have the due time changed to 3am.
If the next review is for the same day, or before 3 am the next day the review time won’t change

So basically, any review that will become available before 3am the next day (Beginner/Ghost intervals) won’t be affected.

This affects Ghost and Self-Study reviews too.