Hey guys!
Use this thread to post any ideas you have for new Badges to add to Bunpro!
Have fun.
Hey guys!
Use this thread to post any ideas you have for new Badges to add to Bunpro!
Have fun.
Streak 2000. Gotta have something to aim for eh?
Badge for hitting play on 50 / 100 / 200 / 40000000 audio sentences?
new badge icons look really cool!
Maybe badges for completing each of the textbook paths?
Oh, or maybe a (joke) badge for a “can you say it another way” answer XD (flavour text: something something many ways to say the same thing in Japanese, or something like that)
Not sure if grammar points are all tagged/filterable like that, but if they are: badges each for completing all the verb/adjective/noun-related points, or the major verb conjugation classes, or particles, or sonkeigo, or idk what’d actually be realistc. (Or maybe one of each of them for each JLPT level.)
badge for getting every single review wrong in a session…
badge for getting the same review wrong x times in wrong
badges for completing the reading exercises…
edit: sorry re-doing previous recommendations
Basge for losing and regaining streak
A badge for having Beta opt-in activated for X amount of time.
That way you might incentive more people to try the new stuff in the beta channel.
Oh, I had an idea about streak badges that can be achieved multiple times and they could be exchanged for some days off
A badge for when you beat a gym leader and then when you get enough you can oh wait thought this was pokemon again. MY bad
Maybe a badge for getting grammar to SRS12?
I have crystalized all this feedback into a single note:
In all seriousness those, great ideas so far! We’ll be adding some of them in the near future!
Don’t you dare!
If they do this they should go straight up too evil for hell with it : Badges for losing and regaining a 100+ (up to 200 day streak), 200+ (up to 365) day streak, … You’d have to break your streak so many times
RE: perfect review session: Maybe getting X reviews in a row correct? Seeing that a ‘review sesson’ can consist of 1 or 100 reviews lol
How about some streak badges corresponding to historical years and their events/people?
How about upgrades to the “complete Nx” badges for getting every grammar point in that level above a certain threshold? The current ones are essentially e.g. “have all of N5 at SRS 1 or more”, how about sth like “all N5 grammar points at SRS level 5 or above / 10 or above / 12”?
Maybe a badge for certain amount of reviews you’ve done and it could be named something nerd related like review geek or something along the lines of that. It could also be a pretty sweet way for the users to track how many reviews they have done and hitting any kind of milestone is pretty damn motivating!
Maybe there can be something done both for the grammar and vocab seperately, but since they both fit the N something level criteria and can be added to study notes, not sure how that would work out…
Also, hitting a certain number of items on the expert list for example could also be one, like getting a badge for having 50 items that are in the expert category!
I live for both virtual badges and their physical equivalent, so that’s why I have a pin collection!