Bunpro Mobile Apps

I recently got a job working 60+ hours per week and just wanted to express how precious the iOS app has become to me. Keep up the great work!

Also, will there be an end of year sale on the life time membership like there was last year? This is probably not the place to ask, but :man_shrugging:


Hello, the Android app is still crahsing pretty often. It’ll crash about 4-8 times after a few seconds before working.

Even after it acts stable, the search function does nothing and I can’t click on any further reading links.

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@Rion I’m finally on iOS 13. Would there be a way to force the Bunpro app to use dark mode even if I have the OS set to light mode? Basically, if possible the three way setting would be:

  • Use iOS setting
  • Always light mode
  • Always dark mode
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Technically possible, I think a setting that respects the website would be possible too since that info is available.


That would be really nice if it’s not too much work. I tried out dark mode across the whole OS, and I’m not impressed… but I’d still very much like to use it on Bunpro.

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Not really a lot to do there so keep an eye open for it :wink:


@Rion Is there any way to make the website respect the app setting for dark mode? That would be very helpful, so we wouldn’t have to go the settings and change it every time.

Would be awesome is the website itself could detect Dark Mode settings in iOS and MacOS, like some of the more popular sites do.

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Actually yes there is a way for websites to do that on all supporting platforms that have a dark mode. @Jake

There is a prefers-color-scheme in CSS.


@Jake @Rion I would be very grateful if you could implement this in the website itself, please and thanks!

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@seanblue Not sure how to approach this. Do you want the OS setting of dark/ light to override any theme choice?

So if you have Modern Light as your setting but the OS you have uses dark, it would override that and be Modern Dark?
Similarly if you had Classic, should that be overridden?

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I think your theme choices should be:

  • Dark theme
  • Light theme
  • Classic theme
  • Follow system/OS setting

This way, nothing gets overridden. Some people may simply want it to change between light and dark depending on their OS setting and could pick that Bunpro setting accordingly. Personally, for Bunpro I’d always want dark theme.

And to clarify one thing. I’m not requesting anything ever be overridden. That’s the current behavior of the iOS app. I specifically don’t want that and want to always use dark theme for myself.

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Tried the iOS app through the testflight, but I’m experiencing major slowdowns now and then. Sometimes scrolling just seems to move like 1 fps and theres so much stutter.

Probably gonna just stick to the website now, since the app is pretty much just rendering the webpage inside it… The overview tools are nice, but hoping for some usability improvements for reviews.

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If possible, I’d love an offline review mode that can sync with the site later. I’m using the iOS app and it’s been super useful to be able to do a few reviews while I’m out. :grinning:

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I‘m implementing it like that in iOS right now.

I won’t set this on the website though since you cloud have multiple devices with different settings and if they would set the setting for the website it could get confusing really fast ^^‘
So you’ll have a Bunpro Theme Option and it’s either dark or light depending on modern dark/classic or light.


Could you give me some more information regarding the slowdowns?

What device are you using?
Operating system

When do the slowdowns happen?

I know that when the database is being updated (about once a week) that can have An performance impact for a few seconds.
Other than that it can get a bit bumpy if you have a lot of reviews.

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Me too

There is no resource for the questions right now though, so I can’t implement that feature ^^‘

@Jake give me a heads up once you have time to work on that :smiley:


Just noticed the the new build has some kind of problem on iOS 12 and crashes instantly since there is a framework missing.

I removed the build for now and will investigate the problem to upload a new one that’s working ^^‘

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iPhone SE with latest iOS 13 update. Reviews are only in the 30s. I get the slowdowns also in the main menu, seemed to happen every few minutes as far as I can tell.

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I might be able to organize an SE to test the performance, give you an update once I have something :slight_smile:

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The app has been extremely slow as of late.

Only had one review just now and it was like typing in slow motion when I was inputting my answer. It’s like the pages take forever to update the information.