Bunpro Mobile Apps

It looks like the “remaining reviews when there are none” has been a bug for years and no progress has been made, but I think I have a bit of insight that may help the bug squashing.

It seems like the number goes up by one each time you leave a review in the middle, instead of completing it. I didn’t have the bug until I did that for the first time, and it seems to consistently happen since then.

Hope this helps!


I’m getting alot iOS crashes lately, is there a way to get refresh on the Test Flight before the expiration date? I even get crash alerts even when the app isn’t even open.

Edit: Refreshing through the Test Flight link and hitting ‘accept’ seems to have worked

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I’ve also been having crashes. Will see if reinstalling through the link helps.

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The problems came back later even after I hit ‘accept’. I had to delete the app and reinstall via the link and it seemed to work much better.

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Checking back in, I’m still getting crashes in the background several times a day even after reinstalling the app.

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I made a really simple Android app for BunPro: https://github.com/yellowire/BunPro-FunPro

It connects via a user’s API key (so never even sees your password) and communicates with BunPro’s API. The BunPro API is still really new, so there aren’t a whole lot of things you can do with it yet – so the app I made simply displays when next reviews are available/ # of reviews available now, next hour, and next day, and notifies you when new reviews are available.

I’m still very new to Android development, so it’s really not that fancy, and definitely could be made to run more efficiently – but I wanted to put it out there for anyone who’s interested in testing it out or improving it. I don’t mean to step on any toes at BunPro (the app they’ve already made and continue working on is most assuredly much more robust than this), but WaniKani has a ton of awesome third party stuff made by users and it really adds to the WK experience. So, I wanted to contribute to the BunPro ecosystem. :slightly_smiling_face:

Feedback is very welcome, but 1. please be gentle! :grimacing: and 2. my BunPro free trial just ended two days ago so there’s a lot I unfortunately can’t test anymore. :sweat_smile:


@timfreilly, @s1212z

The crashes seem to be related to a change Apple did in iOS 13 for background app refresh.

I tried implementing the new approach for iOS 13 but ended up getting no background refresh at all in tests and reported that to Apple .

The system should give the app a few seconds in the background to check for updated reviews but using the usual way (the old one) almost always gets terminated by the system ones the app gets some time which results in a crash.

I may have to turn it off for now and try to get the new approach running somehow…

Edit: yeah about 4000 crashes in a system BackgroundService framework…


@mrnoone @Jake When is a native Bunpro app with search functionality that works, the crashes that happen if you go to different menus too fast removed (I’m on Android), offline functionality, and the review counts fixed? That’s all the issues I have with the app, but that alone is enough to keep me away from using the mobile app regularly.

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I guess it’s planned that the iOS app will show the new N5 and N4 grammar points added to the main page

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I installed the update that came out a few days ago and I’m still getting plenty of background crashes. Would def prefer for background updates to be shut off for the time being rather than bugging me with crash messages (from background) 10-15 times a day. iOS is my main way of reviewing with BunPro so it’d be a big bummer for me to uninstall.


About to be released :slight_smile:

@emucat the app updates that automatically once a week, so maybe you already have it.
An option to trigger a manual update will be added shortly


Is there an APK for this? I can’t seem to get my phone to PC connection working properly ^^

Ah, bummer! Ok: Just created an apk and uploaded to Google Drive - FunPro-debug.apk

It’s the debug build rather than the release build so that whoever wants to can debug it, but let me know if that causes you any trouble.

Let me know what you think! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Thanks for the APK!

One thing - I think this app would be a billion times better if there was just some way to do grammar points in the app natively, no web view or annoying websites, etc, with the grammar sentences, typing, etc, all happening in the app itself with the same look/feel as the rest of the app. Is this an API limitation? Perhaps an API update could allow third party apps to have Bunpro reviews baked into them @mrnoone @Jake @Pushindawood ^^^


Glad you got it working!

Yes, I totally agree-- but as you guessed, it’s an API thing. Basically all that the public API lets you access is what you see in the app’s dashboard. :confused: Maybe in the future…

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As far as I know the only thing missing is the correct question with all it’s possible answers and nuances for a given review.

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@Rion Are you talking about the iOS app? Or maybe the private API? :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This is the public API that I used to build the above app: API Docs. Afaik, that’s all that’s available to the general pop.

Is there something else that I don’t know about?? If there is, please tell me!

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Haha didn’t know that API even exists :sweat_smile:

So I guess I mean the private one than.

The only reason the iOS app does not have a native way of reviewing is that there is no way to get the question for a review at the moment.

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Lol well, that explains my confusion :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s a bummer. So how do you handle reviews then? Open the web browser, or display the page in the app? Or something else? (Sorry, exclusive Android user, so I can’t just check out the app myself :sweat_smile:)

Do you know if they’re planning on adding reviews to the private API?

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It is planned but other things are have a much higher priority right now so it will take a bit of time.

I don’t know the Android App you are developing (I suppose).
Do you happen to have some screenshots to share? ^^

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