Feedback - Bug Reports

I don’t want to put one much pressure on you guys, but like…

@Kumi All fixed! Thank you for pointing these out to us. Cheers!

@nitzi We apologize for getting back to you so late. Thank you for taking the time to report these bugs and thank you for your patience as we iron out the kinks. Cheers!


Just updated the iOS app this morning to 1.0 (36) and it’s broken. When i open the app it’s stuck loading the latest review data and doesn’t update.

Same. Important enough to tag people. @Rion @Pushindawood @Jake

@onimitch P.S. In the meantime, you can redownload the previous build from test flight.


I’m on it

It’s strange though because while I was working on a fix for the over counting of grammar points and reviews, I constantly got different keys for some settings on the account, so I adapted the new ones.

Turns out they only appear on the simulator, not on a real device which is more than odd.

Uploading right now

The new version (build 37) still doesn’t work.


What Device do you use?
I tried the different combinations like having version 35 or 36 installed and install version 37.
It started working in that cases.

What settings do you have active? Hide English, Bunny Mode and so on (that was the cause)

It’s definitely still not working for me. I’m using an iPhone 8. Here are my settings (plus my WaniKani API key is set):


A quick fix would be to set Furigana to something on or Wanikani.

The value for off is kind of strange behaving and I check other combinations before I post an update

I just downgraded to the last working version for now. Please let me know when it’s fixed.

Sure, I’m almost done testing the different settings and so far its the Furigana off setting.

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New version looks good!

Hey there, I just came back out of vacation mode and made a yearly subscription. I have progressed until half of N3 so far. But after continuing to the review page, my next regular review was to scheduled to come up in 20 days!

There seems to be something off, before I activated vacation mode I had 50+ reviews a day :sweat_smile:

I’ll probably just wait for the time to pass, but wanted to let you know.


As I can’t find a thread for Android bug report, I will post here:

The reviews number on main page never gets updated on my phone. Also, the app feels slower than the website.

Also, the “press ‘a’…” message shouldn’t show as pressing ‘a’ in the app doesn’t work.

Hey! If you shoot us an email at [email protected], I can fix that for you.


I noticed that one of the acceptable answers for this “って” was “ってかいて”. This would make the sentence “ってかいて書いてください”. You guys doubled "かいて” it seems (or it’s some crazy alternative grammar point ive never seen before! Which is possible).



It’s me again!

Should this be ほう?I’ve never seen it as かた, but that could just be me.

Thank you!

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Nice finds! Both have been fixed. Thank you for pointing these out to us. Cheers!


  1. I believe this should be 寒いから ^^
  2. I didn’t take a photo, but in the たらいい section there is an example that says "毎日、好な番組が見れたらいい。And one of the alternate answers was 見ればいい, but I think it should have been 見れればいい since the provided hint was 見れる。

Hopefully that is right!

Thanks fam

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@LandonRosenboom Thank you for your feedback! You are absolutely right! Nice finds and thank you for letting us know so that we could get these fixed. Cheers!