iOS app feedback

Yeah… haha my fault

The ghost reviews and self studies are of a different type and not factored in correctly right now so they appear as if they are belonging to a new grammar point.

I’ll fix it while I’m here, but probably have no time the next 2 weeks unfortunately.

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br HTML tags are showing up in the app.

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Some items are showing up as learned in the app, even though they’re not learned. At least two of the three I added at one point, and then removed, so that could be related. The three are:
ようとする (learned and removed)
きる (learned and removed)
ことか (don’t remember if I did anything with this one)

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Latest build 1.0 (36) is just spinning with a loading message

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Should be working in Build 37 again.
Sorry for the mess :confused:

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@Rion Can you update the search functionality so it works with or without kanji? I tried to search for ようにいう and nothing came up. I had to change it to ように言う for it to work.

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Does anyone know where we can add notes on the iOS app and where we can find added notes?

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@Jake Looks like the iOS app is also broken. The review status doesn’t ever finish loading. Are you sure something isn’t messed up with the API since both apps are broken?

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That is a feature that is not yet available in the app.

@seanblue there haven’t been any changes to the api. I have contacted @Rion.

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That’s weird, because there haven’t been any updates to the app in a while…

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Latest update should fix the issue! Sorry about that.


Are there any issues if we upgrade to iOS 12?

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Only one way to find out. :slight_smile:


Updated today…No difference noted thus far


About the state of the app

I’ve unfortunately been busy lately due to my daily job since I transition to a new workplace.
Because of that I wasn’t able to invest a lot of time for the app (I’d like to do much much more…)

But since BunPro introduces a new dark design, I took the opportunity to bring that to the app as well (no light design yet :/)
So everyone updating to Build 41 will get it :smiley:
Furthermore there are some bugfixes I wanted to get rid of for quite some time… like the number of reviews on the app icon that did not update although new came in or got finished. Now it updates and you’ll get a more accurate number. Keep in mind that it still can take some time since it’s not done with Push Notifications and the OS decides when to update, so don’t expect it to update the second you got new reviews :wink:

There is still a bug with turning the device into landscape mode while searching for grammar. This seems to be a general bug in iOS and I reported it to Apple.

@s1212z iOS 12 does not have any issues so far :slight_smile:

On the note of iOS 12, I really want to add the Shortcuts feature for cramming and study soon, so you can tell Siri that it’s BunPro Time!

One note to all Beta Tester:
We will transition the app to an official BunPro Account soon, so there will be the need to reenter the Beta program (since it’s technically a different app) and you’ll need to relogin (Password Autofill to the rescue :D)

If you have features you really miss and want to see in the app, just tell me here (mention please)

Right now there are some missing, like checking off readings, notes, custom study and setting the number of study items. Those are coming, but are not ready yet.

If you have ideas for features iOS provides like Shortcuts or lets say a watchOS app, don’t hesitate to discuss it here.

I hope you all like the new design and sorry for not having a light version yet ._.

Build 41 will be the last version released with my private account.
We will provide a TestFlight Beta Link to the new Beta Test soon.


Can I get an invitation to use the app? Thank you.


Sure! Just follow this link. Please let us know what you think. Cheers!

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Hey, guys!

I just started using Bunpro, and as many others I too come from the WK community. So far, I’m loving it! You’ve really put a lot of effort into it :grinning:

I just downloaded the iOS app and it has been working well so far with iOS 12.1.

@Rion I just have one feedback - I hope it helps :wink:
Since I’m still at the beginning of WK, I still feel the need for furigana. I noticed there was no furigana, but only a “subtitle” at the bottom of the example sentence. Also, I’m using the WK API key to hide the kanji I already know, but the subtitles keep showing up at the bottom even for these kanji. It’s nothing that hinders the example per se, but I’d love to get a version with furigana in the future, if you guys have the time.

I also miss the check boxes for completed readings. Again, nothing major, but it helps feeling like you’ve accomplished the grammar point, haha

Other than that, everything is working smoothly with the app.
I hope to see the official app soon!
Cheers! :hugs:


Build 46 is here

There are some changes to the UI:

  • The former JLPT Level screen now displays the grammar points directly instead of just displaying the level with some metrics about it.
  • A JLPT Level now has a header with metrics and a progress.
  • The Search Grammar Points screen now features the same progress header for the JLPT (same as the Level)


  • Fixed a bug where a large amount of reviews lead to freezes and in some cases to crashes.


  1. I have reports of reviews being displayed that are incorrect (like having 29 although the correct amount would be 0) and I wan’t able to recreate that but since there was a performance issue with updating larger amounts of reviews, I suspect it’s related and potentially fixed.
    If you still experience that, please tell me and I investigate further.

  2. Since a now use a new level property that was not saved before, the start of the app after the update will look funny for a few seconds (like no progress on the new headers). The database needs to update first and that can take a moment (a lot of grammar… boy it’s a lot). Don’t panic.
    There is a little note to this note: I noticed that in some weird cases I got an unexpected result from the API and we investigate this. If this happens to you, the database will not update and you will need to restart the app. The Update usually takes less than 20 seconds, but that depends on the device, so please be patient :slight_smile:

I hope you like and give me feedback as always :smiley:

Want to test the app?