Hi! Thanks for posting.
Just checking – did you get this error during Cram or during Reviews?
Hi! Thanks for posting.
Just checking – did you get this error during Cram or during Reviews?
Ruh roh. The issue was happening a while back but I thought we fixed it
If this happens again are you able to flick me a DM here?
If you can include the previous question and the current (bugged) question that’d be swell.
If it’s anything like last time, the question before the seemingly bugged question is actually the bugged one, and it screws up the ordering of the attached grammar/vocab info.
Is this the thread to post mobile app bugs too?
I have a “phantom” number of reviews showing for me in the app (yesterday it was 49, today 53) which aren’t there to take and don’t show if I go to the website.
Reopening, refreshing, doing actual reviews when they are there, etc. - nothing seems to clear this.
It’s just gone back down to 49… but the issue remains!
Bug #1: I tried to do a search within this topic thread for the text ‘furigana’, but the site returned an error saying something like “Site under extreme load, search disabled, try later”. So, I wasn’t able to search for existing bug reports for my Bug #2, so here’s Bug #2:
Bug #2: I wonder if this is a common bug or if it’s just me. I tried searching but couldn’t find info, see Bug #1. Basically, when I do vocab reviews:
Is it just me? Is it because I reset WK and then reset BunPro, but then ‘synced with WK’ after gaining some levels there, but basically still far behind with BP progress?
Is there some switch I can flip to have it re-check with WK which kanji are known and which aren’t?
Or is this a bug everyone’s dealing with??
Hope to get this dealt with, as it’s a pain in the butt having to flip on furigana for vocab that I know (from kana, but not from kanji), each time I do a review.
Hopefully it’s just me and there’s some switch that can be flipped to reset it or something.
Note: I’ve already reset my computer and restarted my browser several times in between, so it’s not that. Although I suppose it could still be some stale site-data in my local browser storage if that’s a thing. Haven’t tried resetting anything there. Worried I might mess up more than fix anything.
During cram sessions it has the word “Grammar” in the same spot above each sentence and it sometimes covers the furigana
This problem is only happening inside the Bunpro app yeah? Assuming it does, I know you said in the other thread you’re unable to submit a bug report sooo I’ll pass this along to the dev team and make 'em aware of it! Thanks for sharing
Ah, does this mean that posts here are not necessarily considered bug reports? Should I submit my issue at Feedback - Bug Reports - #2720 by wct some other way?
Ahhhh no, the user was talking about submitting a bug report inside the bunpro app which is a different style of reporting (iirc the error logs get sent to the mobile dev.) Bit confusing sorry anything posted in this thread gets read and discussed by the dev squad during the work week. We’ll reach out to ya if we need any more help/info in relation to what you experienced though!
Thanks for passing that along!
Actually the same thing happened when I checked the website with Safari and Chrome iOS apps.
I noticed though that it’s fine when I choose to cram All Grammar but when I choose Studied Grammar it says “Grammar” and if I choose Studied Sentences it says “Sentences” in the same spot.
It also only seems to happen when I choose to cram from any combo of 3 or more JLPT levels at a time.
Is the summary meant to include all review sessions in a certain timeframe or just the most recent review session? Sometimes items that were not included in a review session appear in the summary anyway (most noticeably with incorrect items). The number of reviews for this last session was 72, not 116 as in the screenshot. Maybe the summary is a combination of the current review session and maybe the one I did yesterday?
I know I reviewed 以内 and got it incorrect yesterday, but was not in this morning’s review. まだ might not have been in today’s review either, but I’m not 100% sure of that.
I think this was reported already here or elsewhere. Something happened with Wanikani keys that got deleted (replaced with an f)?
Not a big deal since I’m on the forever on vacation club there, but what it’s a minor annoyance is that the words that I was manually selecting as known (hide furigana) seem to have also reset.
Press F for the WaniKani key.
I’ve run into an issue on firefox where the furigana-on-hover setting doesn’t seem to do anything, despite being on and my wanikani api key still being correct. All kanji have furigana all the time. It still seems to work on on chrome, though. Any idea what might be going on here?
Not sure where to post this. This is a bit of feedback for a specific vocab item, namely そう - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro.
I guess I need to include another ‘bug’ (or maybe ‘feature request’, but it really should be there, so I’m calling it a bug. ). Namely:
Okay, the actual bug report:
そう on BunPro is listed as a 副詞 (adverb), with the following definitions: appearing that, seeming that, looking like, having the appearance of
However, doing a search on Jisho: そう - Jisho.org
There are two relevant entries. One is そう. The other is 然う.
そう has the same definitions as the BunPro vocab entry: appearing that; seeming that; looking like; having the appearance of. However, on Jisho, this is listed as “Auxiliary, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)”, not an adverb. [It also notes that this version of the word is used “after -masu stem or adj. stem”.]
On the other hand, 然う is listed as an “Adverb (fukushi)”, and “Usually written using kana alone”, but it has different definitions compared to BunPro’s lone vocab item:
So (pun intended), either the BunPro entry should be relabeled as an auxiliary na-adjective, keeping the same definitions, or keep it as an adverb but change the definition(s), or, perhaps the ‘best’ (most ideal) option would be to have, like Jisho does, two separate entries, one for the auxiliary na-adjective version, and a separate one for the adverb version.
Even more ideally, you could have perhaps some ‘note’ or something for each of the two separate vocab entries, each linking to their corresponding grammar points, showing how to use them. That would be cool!
An example sentence for かった has a text/audio mismatch.
The sentence ‘山田さんの犬が可愛かった。’ should be '‘山田さんの犬が太かった。’
Same for October. August and September showed up around 9th - 11th in their respective month I think.
This bug makes it really hard to keep track if I’ve did my lessons and my reviews for that day, last month it caused me to miss out on two new lessons.
If I view a grammar point via “lessons” (e.g. https://bunpro.jp/grammar_points/を契機に) related grammar that I’ve studied/encountered is properly marked.
However, if I visit this same grammar point via “learn” (e.g. https://bunpro.jp/learn) related grammar that I have studied is not properly marked.
For the past couple hours I have not been able to use the Study tab (brought immediately to an error screen). After leaving the error screen page, The Content and Paths tab can no longer be opened and the Cram is broken. Content, Paths and Cram are useable once again after doing a page refresh F5, but not after clicking the home icon (top left logo).
It looks like the broken study button puts the site in this state.
To bypass this, I have found that I can enable Beta Mode, go to decks, and use the learn button from there to activate study mode.
edit - I am on Chrome Browser Windows 10
Hey! I was able to reproduce and fix the first issue you mentioned. I think that should solve the odd issues with the rest. If it doesn’t please let us know. Sorry for the trouble!