Feedback - Bug Reports

It’s trying to sync the new color changes from the website assuming you changed from blue or red. But the colors haven’t been added to the public app yet sooo it struggles🙃 I was able to fix mine by emptying app data and cache and reloging in after changing the website color settings back to blue (or red)


I did indeed change my colour to purple, of course! :sweat_smile:
Thank you so much, it worked alright!

I was so happy with my 紫 colour!


Hey guys, looks like this was my fault! Sorry for the temporary error. It was caused by me removing the title data for one of the grammar points because I put a new title in there with the proper furigana. I made the same blunder last year but thought that it was resolved now that we had furigana titles. Apparently not. :bowing_man:

Apologies for the inconvenience!


ということは we can now switch back to deep purple!?


I think I read somewhere the color options should be added to the app for the public next week or so. It’s going through internal testing right now. Shouldn’t be too long of a wait😙Im addicted to the purple too


You’re right, here it is, @simias had just the same issue:

And this is @Jake’s reply:

Seems I’m already in vacation mode, keep forgetting what I read. :drooling_face:
Will patiently wait, then.


A follow-up for this bug.
Now I had selected female voice by default. Then I’ve selected the male one, the audio changed correctly. Then I tried to select the female one back, but it still plays the male one.

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Tried to pay for a yearly subscription - got a 500 just after entering the card details and hitting the subscribe button. :frowning: Screenshot 2023-08-11 121515

Chrome Version 115.0.5790.171 (Official Build) (64-bit), the error repeats itself.

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I created a Bunpro account after finishing Chapter 13 of Tobira. It would be nice if there were a page where I could see the grammar points and check the boxes for the ones I’ve already mastered. In order to do that now, I have to click on one grammar point, wait for the next page to load and then I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to check the box for having mastered the grammar point.

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I finished adding the N3 grammar points, but I didn’t get the N3 badge. :thinking:

That was a short patient wait the colors are out in app😂 for Android beta at least totally not me forgetting I use beta

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:clap::clap: :clap:
At long last, 私の紫の雨 :yum:

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When a word has long furigana, even when you are not hovering over the word to display it, there is a weird space to account for the fact that the furigana is long (sorry for bad explanation, see pictures). For reference, i have it so there is furigana on hover.

in this case the vocab word that has the weird space is 雷, the next image shows what it looks like when hovered
i was a little confused on what the space was before and i think it would be nice if this could be patched, but its no big deal if it cant

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After the recent color update 新しい! label in the old UI lost its accent color.

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Typo in the onboarding ‘follow a path’ screen - shouldn’t that be N3 instead of N4?


Two new bugs.

  1. Two different levels at the same time. SOLVED (I’m an idiot) Screen Shot 2023-08-13 at 18.45.27

  2. On my dashboard it says there are two new reviews, but when I click them I get redirected to my last completed session review .

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On the Reading Practice page on web (, the check marks that are supposed to appear when you’ve marked the passage as read don’t render correctly. It seems like the fa-check glyph is missing from the version of Font Awesome you’re loading; other icons like fa-check-circle and fa-book-reader work fine though.

the same level is shown. it now states how much XP you’re off to gain a level.
it says you’re 4975xp short to get to lv 43. it could maybe say “Lv 42: 4974 XP to Lv 43”. but thats not for me to decide.
not a bug, just misinterpretation.

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Silly me, of course that’s what that says. The numbers threw me off, my bad. Thanks for clearing that up!

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Sometime in the last 24 or so hours an off-by-one error has appeared in my list of available reviews. If I click on review it always shows me the “You are done” page.

My best guess would be because I filed a bug while doing a review about a suggested alternate answer on the word ‘migraine (headache)’

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