Feedback - Bug Reports

@Kai Not as in “all of mankind”? :laughing: Thank you for letting us know so that we could get that fixed. Looks like Richard Fremmerlid’s account has been suspended which means we will need to find alternative links for each of his entries as none of his appear on the way back machine either. It is a shame, because he had a lot of great information. We do not have furigana set up for headers/hints yet, but it is something that we would like to have available soon. We do our best to include the reading where furigana cannot yet be displayed though. Cheers!


I think someone might’ve mentioned it on here before, but I just noticed it myself. I think I’m getting ghost reviews after getting a question marked wrong, hitting backspace, and correcting it.


Isn’t this redundant? 条件の下下で?
It looks to me like the sentence should say 条件____少なくとも, and the user should provide のもとで.

Here’s a list of 40 example phrases using 条件の下: 英辞郎 link
Here’s also a link with natives confirming that 条件の下 is read as もと, not した: HiNative link

None of the 40 phrases involve した + もと, unless I’ve missed something.


Hey :grinning:

You are absolutely right!

The error has been fixed :bowing_man:

Sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man:


Au contraire!
There was a thread a year or two ago on /r/LearnJapanese asking what everyone’s “dream language learning resource” would be.

I feel like 文プロ’s grown to become an actualization of mine :wink:





I’ve tried this a couple of times and it doesn’t work. I don’t know if you need to activate something on your end…

1 Like

Doesn’t accept じゃない for ではない

Also, do you guys log incorrect answers? It might expose lots of frequently-tried answers that would tell you where adding hints (instead of marking answers wrong) would be most beneficial.


@matt_in_mito Thank you for letting us know. We will look into it. Cheers!

@Kai Sorry about that! じゃないか should now be accepted for all of this grammar point’s review questions. Thank you for letting us know. We do not actually log any of the incorrect answers, but that is a great idea! We will see if we cannot set something up. Cheers!


If you do this, rather than only logging the final answer that a user submits, I think it’d be ideal to keep a log of all answers that were attempted, then submit them as a bundle once the user advances to the next review.

I’ll admit it’s been a while since I’ve programmed anything, but I think logging answers like this could provide a lot of massively useful insight for comparatively little effort on your end :slight_smile:


If you’re just looking for the trouble questions, some database queries should give that insight. For instance, Bunpro already knows my percentages and which questions I personally have trouble with; just changing the grain of that query alone would probably point them towards the troublemakers.

Plus, if they log the wrong answers they’re going to have to sift through a lot of four-letter English words from me on the frustrating questions.


The advantage of tracking exact answers would be to reveal why people are getting reviews wrong though; I know I typo という as とう all the damn time lol. I’m getting very good at the というものでもない reviews because of it.

They can probably already see which ones are “hard” for us as you said. Being able to see a list of the top 3 - 5 most frequently-tried answers could immediately… make the issues people are struggling with very apparent.


I assumed they already would be tracking wrong answers! I think it would be very interesting to see the “league table” of wrong answers for each question. To see if there are any similarities to things people are getting wrong.


I do believe I’ve spotted a life-threatening error here… or maybe someone’s clothes will just smell delicious.


The grammar search performance on mobile (Android, Chrome and Yandex) is getting worse. I stopped the time, the first load needs 60sec until I can enter a search term. After the first time, the cached site still needs around 20sec to load.

It’s faster to just search on google and read about the grammar on other websites in the meanwhile.


Fixed :bowing_man:

Thanks a lot!


I informed the programming team!


Seconded. The website’s load times in general isn’t great, but the search (especially on first page load) is the worst.


@Pushindawood Also, clicking Hide Studied Grammar on the search page doesn’t hide burned items. :slight_smile:


Checkmarked readings are not saved across page loads. When I checkmark a reading, I can see a network request for it but the checkmark is gone when the page is reloaded.