Feedback - Bug Reports

Hi Jake, thanks for looking into it! Still getting the error unfortunately. Have tried two different computers

I’m being taken to an empty page after I hit next or quiz me with the Study page for Unskilled lesson in N5 Set 10

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If you type fast enough in the textbox when I’m editing my input, the cursor can jump to the end of the textbox and add characters to the end.
(i exaggerated a bit for the GIF but this happened a handful of times for me before)

Entry for [verb + はじめる] has some examples (the last two) that are actually はじまる, and proceeded by an adverb and noun and not a verb at all. The following disclaimer states that for these examples you should never use はじまる which makes the examples seem extra wrong.

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I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature: I added a synonym for a vocab word (first time doing so) and now the definition given by bunpro is marked incorrect - surely both my synonym and bunpro’s definition should be accepted?

The stats page in particular has been broken for me for like a month tbh lol (I cleared cookies)

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Huh that’s interesting. These all work for me:

Just not: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yea the rest (including all work for me. Just the stats page ( is down for me! Definitely interesting!

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@Jake Maybe this info might help with tracking down the issue!

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Clicking next on N5 Lesson 10 5/12 (のがへた)take’s me to an empty page while in the Study mode so I cannot progress. Tried it on different browsers and still didn’t work.

I am also having the same issue as Somnus1, it is making me unable to progress, it also does not work on mobile. Cropped Bunpro Problem

Thanks for informing us about this. It is an error and will be fixed asap, apologies for the inconvenience 🙇🏼‍♂️


for this い-Adjective (past negative) lesson, it gives a casual answer as a possible polite answer

I could be wrong, of course, but I don’t think that’s a polite answer? Again, I could be wrong on this.

@Jake My Profile page works again, thank you!
@melisma fyi

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Thanks for the heads up @Herewebro, my stats page is still broke :slight_smile:

Thanks Asher! its working now.

I’m studying for the N1 and for most of the earlier decks I would like to just use flashcards for cramming purposes, but this feature doesn’t seem to work. I’ve set all the decks I’ve pulled from to flashcards and clicked “set past reviews to current style”, but it doesn’t seem to actually do anything. I’ve also tried logging out and back in.

The 3 dots refer to May 14, May 15 and May 16. I missed my reviews for May 15 by a few minutes (I did them 00:02~00:05 May 16) but they still counted in May 15. The streak logic is counting them in May 16 though and has broken my streak.

I think you can mash A to go through all the possible ways to complete the sentence, polite or not, when you’ve entered your answer, right or wrong. It might come across as a little misleading, of course. Perhaps they could just limit it to the manner originally request.

Not really a bug per se but I’ve noticed the community forum being extremely laggy and unresponsive on mobile to the point of being unusable. It’s mostly noticeable in big threads with a lof of answers like the current gourmet race. Clicking reply causes my phone to freeze up for a good 10 seconds before the text area shows up, and trying to write in it is impossibile.
I remember using mobile no problem a couple of months ago (even on my old phone that was showing his age), so I don’t think it’s just a phone problem.
Nothing major but I liked to use my phone for a couple of quick answers in threads like the shiritori,race, grammar in the wild(what happened to that), etc.