Feedback - Bug Reports

ドラえもん is a proper noun, the name of a cat-robot from the future from famous anime.
According to the anime setting, the cat forgot katakana for えもん, while writing its name, so finished with hiragana instead.

@nitzi To add to what @mrnoone said, we had received a lot of questions on why ドラえもん contained both hiragana and katakana, so we added the link that explained it in detail. You are absolutely correct that this particular link is not related to the grammar point, but just an extra tidbit of information. In the future, we will most likely be adding these types of links directly under the sentence and keep all of the grammar readings separate. Cheers!

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These remain unresolved. They are the ones which have \" in the sentence.

This sentence uses a half-width question mark

Grammar # Example #
475 4858

And since two days ago these have popped up also missing a space before the opening bracket

Grammar # Example #
6 1325
24 1469
90 2189
157 2967
232 4184
232 4186
235 724
273 4784
278 4834
300 917
395 1213
457 3513
466 4546
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The note section seems buggy. Sometimes if I add a note during a review it appears in the note for the grammar point, but not vice versa. What is supposed to happen if you then try to create a note during a review? I tried but it would not create. Personally I would like a note to be created which shows everywhere, ie in the grammar pont and all related reviews for that grammar point.


On the iOS app (I assume mobile in general), clicking a word to show/hide furigana or clicking the Show/Hide/English button causes the page to scroll so I can’t see the whole sentence anymore.

Thanks for your feedback, I have fixed those :ok_hand:

But I cannot fix the backslash bug, I have not encountered it in those sentences. :thinking:


Hmm, you’re right. Seems those have already been fixed. Must have been a weird bug in my script.


However, this one does have the bug

Grammar # Example #
267 820


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Fixed :+1:

@seanblue Thank you for drawing this to our attention. We are still looking into this and hope to have a fix soon. Thank you for your patience. Cheers!

Oh did I mention it already? I can never remember. :sweat_smile:

Grammar duplicate:

Before you remove one of them, please join the sentences together. 24 sentences is a nice number.

@Pushindawood Can’t you guys at least hide one of these for people who haven’t taken the lessons yet so more people don’t keep adding duplicate lessons?

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Duplicate grammar:

According to the readings this is N2 so in this case it’s easy which one you should remove :wink:


Why not just use “were told by” in the main translation?
(Sorry if I put this in the wrong topic since it’s not really a bug.)

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You are right, it would be (or actually is since I changed it second ago :grinning: ) better.

Thanks for your feedback :ok_hand:

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Bug report: The above sentence is missing the space before the opening parenthesis 64879c4ef97e156ff2f587832e82881f1506510597_large

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Fixed (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■)

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Keyboard arrows aren’t working on my computer to change between Meaning , Examples and Reading. I’m using Firefox on Manjaro Linux. Any way I can send you debug info or some other info that can be of use?

The “community discussion” link in the grammar info is missing during reviews. Please add it.

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