Feedback - Bug Reports

I’d like to mention again, that the due notifications in the app are not working.

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The progress information differs between the website and the iOS app…

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I also have differing numbers on the site vs. the app, and I’ve had some problems with reviews in the app (e.g. guessing wrong and not getting the question again until I restart reviews, or not even being able to advance or undo, not getting any XP even though not all correct answers were ghosts) in the last day or two, and now my streak got reset from over 400 to 1 :sob:
The app shows yesterday’s reviews, but they’re at 0 on the website for me. (and the app somehow has 0 reviews for last Saturday, but the website doesn’t, and my streak was fine until today)

bunpro reviews

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When I am doing cram if I make a mistake it doesn’t let me backspace. I just have to come back to it later. Then when I put finish up and it comes back, if I type it wrong or make a mistake it just gone. This only started happening recently. (an apple mac)

I do not know if it counts as a bug but I just did the lesson for: ねばなら + ぬ and at the bottom it states the fun-fact that “As with other ‘must’ double-negative structures, the second part of the ねばならない may sometimes be omitted, resulting in ねば or せねば appearing by itself.”.
So I tried doing that in the lesson and it did not give me a hint to write the full form. Instead it just marked my answer as wrong. Is this intended?

@Inounx @Slysoft

I believe @Jake pushed out an emergency fix for this two days ago.
Should be back to normal!


Hey! I just tested and it and it seems to be working. I was able to undo both correct and incorrect answers in a Review style cram session.

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Under the “Recalculate Streak” option here: does it so the correct number? This will use your review data to calculate your streak.

If that fails, you can use the “Set Your Streak” option to restore it.

Also, what version of the app are you currently using? The latest should be (109).

I had a look at your account and there didn’t seem to be any issues with your account.
This may have been to do with a Review bug that we fixed on the weekend.

Did the Ghost that you mentioned ever re-appear?

Hi, I just pushed a fix for this, it should be live on the site later today or tomorrow. However in the meantime, if you change the deck default SRS level you will just need to refresh the deck page before clicking add to reviews. This should fix the adding from the deck page issue, however I’m not sure what you mean by adding from the main page. Can you please show me where you are trying to add the reviews.

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I was in vacation mode for 6 days and came off it today and I have far more reviews than expected. It should have been around 20-30 but I have 270 grammar reviews using mobile browser and 268 on the android app.

Update: have seen the thread on vacation mode and the new way reviews are calculated. For me, this might may it unusable if I’m coming back to 10x the reviews expected.

It doesn’t show the correct number. I’ve also noticed that the summary in the app is wrong. I did 3 vocab reviews and 2 grammar reviews, then 2 more grammar reviews a minute later, and when I switched to show the last 24 hrs, it still only showed the 2 most recent reviews and nothing else. The activity graph in the app also only shows 2 grammar reviews instead of 4. And yes, it’s the +109 version.

Adding additional screen shots of this issue on the mobile app. Screenshot where the progress shows beginner stage has 10 items on the summary. Clicking beginner actually has 2 items instead of 10. And a screenshot with the version number.

Another issue is that all the items show 100% accuracy across the board on the mobile app. I wish! Lol

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Thanks for the feedback, I found the issue and fixed it.
It will be released with the update.



Seem to be unable to add self-study sentences at the moment, due to being unable to add an English translation (the box has disappeared):


EDIT: tried again and the box appeared this time :thinking:
I’ll watch out for if it reoccurs.

I couldn’t backspace here after I made a mistake

One thing I noticed today that may be a bug is that for the からといって grammar point, even if you enter the more colloquial からとて, or からって, it will count as wrong. It would be nice to have these as alternates as they are still used for the same thing. :smile:

I dunno about the Ghosts - maybe they’re behaving normally. But something is definitely still up with reviews. I just did 2 at 11:00 and the summary said my next reviews were 4 hours away, but when I get back to the Forecast pane on the Dashboard, I see this:

Thanks for taking a look. I love and rely on Bunpro so much, this is mildly frustrating :slight_smile:

Edit to update… as time passes and I reload, these bars shift across. Now I’m in the state where it’s showing 1 review ready to go (the 12:00 one) but the review button isn’t live. I assume they’ll just shift across until the 4 hours (from the review summary page) passes.

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Translation hints for example sentences are displayed even if the translation is hidden.


change has already been made, should be pushed to the site super shortly! :weight_lifting_man:t2: