Feedback - Bug Reports

I know it was mentioned a while ago, but I just wanted to flag up that the stats are still showing in a different theme and some things like JLPT levels are pretty difficult to read in dark mode due to some things appearing very dim and some things appearing very bright.
The theme in the top bar is correct, but the stats show in purple for some reason:

Hey there!

In Cram mode searching for the points る-Verb (Negative) and う-Verb (Negative) by typing either ‘verb’ or ‘negative’ doesn’t work as they don’t appears in the search results.

Using the terms る-Verb and う-Verb does.

the grammar search seems to be a bit broken on my browser.
I’m using Chrome 117.0.5938.92, no script- or ad-blocking

2023-09-30 17_24_22-Window
Hovering over the “Read” checkbox in the reading practice section while unchecked incorrectly promts one to mark it as UNread. It is also not capitalised unlike the corresponding message that appears when the box is checked.
2023-09-30 17_24_32-Window

2023-09-30 17_31_39-Window
The tab title for the reading practice pages is missing.

In the app, when youget a question wrong, the show answer button doesnt work

Sometimes these graphs just don’t want to appear, even after refreshing:

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Got this fixed. It should be out with the next patch.

@Schatti I have fixed this. Should be out with the next release!

@SpookyNoodlez Good catch on the tool tip! I have fixed it. For the tab title. This is one that has been eluding me for a while but I think I got it fixed.



I haven’t scrolled down the whole page so maybe this has already been mentioned.

I’ve just noticed that on any lesson page, if I switch to the exemple tab and play an audio, then go back to the lesson tab, displaying or hiding furigana will replay the audio over and over again.
Using the app on Android.

The timeline says I have reviews that I don’t actually have.

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Hi there,

I can’t access my reviews anymore. It’s telling me in the app as on the website to get a new subscription. But I already paid for October! What is happening?

Please get in touch as soon as possible. Really fear to loose my streak which I worked hard for.


Just to reassure you until staff get to your post, there are many ways to reinstate your streak, including asking staff to do it and manually entering the streak you believe you should have on the settings. Hope your account gets up and running again soon.


@bunnypro 教えてくれてありがとうございます!I feel a lot better now.


Hey! I took a look and I believe everything should be in order now. Sorry for the trouble.

@bunnypro Thank you for your message :bowing_man:


It is, thanks so much!



Hi there,

The XP issue should be fixed in the next release!

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Sometimes when doing a review session, the summary at the end is for the previous review session instead.
Since I always do vocab and grammar reviews separately, usually alternating, is there a way to see the summary for just the most recent grammar session, or a way to see the summary for just the most recent vocab session? Perhaps that could be a workaround for the bug for the moment.

Just a feeling, but it seems like I’m getting less ghost reviews than I should be getting right now, and it also feels like some items are progressing their SRS as if I never got them wrong. But again, just a feeling.

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Just wondering if there’s any update on this? It’s a bit frustrating since it’s blocking me from creating any new cram sessions. Seems like it works fine on the website though so I can still make a session and continue it on the app

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Just got it fixed, will be released with the best roster :bowing_woman:

Cheers and sorry for the inconvenience,

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