Feedback - Bug Reports

Ah no worries! Thank you for the speedy reply!


Noticed the review graph on “Profile” is appearing blank until you interact with it (e.g. scrolling it to the right). It appears at first like:

Then after interacting with it, it becomes:

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I noticed when searching for grammar that there is a menu on “Options” which you can only access the upper part of.
It would be useful to have a scrollbar or something to allow you to keep going down the menu, as currently the portion you can view/access is limited by the taskbar / bottom edge of your screen.
(However, by clicking on the visible portion of the next tile, I found out it corresponds to Tobira :smiley: ).

NB: This doesn’t bother me at all because I wasn’t hoping to use it, but I just thought I would mention in case this affects anyone else.

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Hi, there is a bug in the Android app (latest version). When I use the Cram option, I select some lessons and then press Continue, I get this screen where I can select Style and Additional settings. The bug is that that page can’t be scrolled downward. I assume there is a ‘continue’ button at the bottom, but since I can’t scroll down I can’t see that. There is no way to start the Cram option now.


I actually brought this up about a week or so ago as well. Thankfully it looks like it will be released with the next mobile update!


Hi there. On the reading practice pages, why does the text move around when I move my mouse over it? I click on a word or something and other sentences squash down together.

Is there a way to stop it? It can be frustrating and I have enough excuses not to study…

Apologies if this has already been adressed but I couldn’t find it on the forum. While I am here, thanks for all the great work! It’s thanks to you guys that I can take a swing at N2 this year! You’re awesome!

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I am using Chrome if this is important, though I think it happens on Safari and Firefox too.

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This has probably already been mentioned, but half of the time when I open up the Android app, it’s stuck with the Bunpro logo showing. Have to close and restart it to get it working again.


I’m not getting the “Learn” dropdown menu to choose the deck I have set as my main deck to learn new vocab/grammar from.

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Your main deck is the default for “learn”. If you want the drop-down to choose between two decks, you need to choose a secondary deck to learn from. if you want the second deck to be vocab, you have to go to vocab deck settings and set as “secondary deck”. Then it’ll drop down with the grammar one under learn

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“Learn” isn’t showing any deck content, just content from the path I choose.

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This is probably your problem too then. Paths override decks. Try not using a chosen path, but only the decks. From what I understand the paths are being faded out anyway in favor of the decks


Looks like the review forecast is displaying tomorrow the 16th, then also the 16th as the following day.


Since a few days the JLPT progress bars have a problem, even if all topics of one level are learned the bar is too short. Here’s an example with the N4 bar having 177 of 177 learned but no the full width:

Looks like a conflict between cached and actual data. I had one N4 item (“hazu da”) that fell back to beginner level, today I got it right so many times that it again left beginner level and went to adept level.

The beginner level color in the N4 bar is now gone as expected, but it seems like the section for adept didn’t expand to it’s new width with one more item calculated in.

When it fell back to beginner level I had the same effect a few days ago. The bar was too short and there were no color for beginner level. After a while the bar corrected itself and it had a short section with the beginner level color.

I’ve seen this problem in the web version (Vivaldi browser, so basically Chrome) for around 1-2 weeks now, I guess.

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Yes, I noticed this one too and it’s driving me nuts! haha

This was actually caused by an error in the calculation in the widths of the bars!
I’ve fixed this now.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Technically true, but just pointing out anyway: it turns out I’m caught up with vocab, grammar and vocab! :laughing:


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Minor display quirk for app, when looking at triple digits forecast

Separate problem, reviewing vocab in reading mode doesn’t auto play sentence when you flip even with auto play enabled. When I press the play button, I think it uses my tts guy from my phone settings which is fine, just want it to auto play on flip ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ

Not sure how you were able to see that, but this should be fixed on next update :sob:

Thanks for the feedback!

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