Feedback - Bug Reports

When I try to add new vocab items from the N4 deck, it’s stuck on the loading spinner forever. If I check in chrome developer tools, the request fails with a 500 internal server error, so I assume this is a server-side issue. This worked fine yesterday. Adding grammar items works fine.

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Hey! Could you send me a screenshot of the button that you are clicking that is failing please? I tried all the ways there are to learn from a deck and it seemed to be working properly. The url that is failing would work also :+1:

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And then I get:

And it never loads no matter how long I wait.


Currently getting asked to log in again when setting up a cram based on missed reviews straight after completing a review session :thinking:

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There still some teeth-grinding between the new system and the old.
This is likely a symptom of the authentication method for the new vs old system being different.

Do you usually stick within the Dashboard/Reviews/Summary loop, but today decided to Cram your missed items? (thus visiting a page from the old system)

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I’m now able to add new vocab items again, but instead it stopped respecting my vocab review type settings, as shown below:

I want to review by “reading + reveal & grade” but instead it seems to use “fill in + manual”.

EDIT: I realized the individual deck setting had been changed (not by me) to “fill in + manual” where previously it was “reading + reveal & grade”, and after updating the deck setting it works as expected. I haven’t tested whether the default review setting is respected if I start using a deck I haven’t used previously, so I’m not sure if this is a bug or if it’s just that my settings were modified behind my back.

I do this pretty regularly and don’t normally get asked to log in again!
Just tried it again and no diversion to the login page this time :thinking:

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I have reported something similar a few weeks ago. What level are you on Wanikani? I think it might have something to do with the amount of vocabulary to be synced since it looks like it is a timeout and I am on level 60 on Wanikani.

Clicking the notification bell from the dashboard → “See All” goes to this link which is an “Internal Error” page.

I’m noticing on mobile that if you use the undo button because you typed something wrong by mistake that the system still marks it as wrong and generated a ghost, lowers the level even though you should have gotten it right. Has anyone else experienced this?

For example last review session shows 100 % perfect but I had 2 new ghosts created.

Yeah it might be a timeout. I’m on level 27

Text annoyingly moves around when hovering over inside the Reading Practice lessons. Example

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The application has fallen over again

Edit: Seems to be back up but is degraded


I’m getting slow/failed responses from the website again, similar to the lead-up to the recent outage. Failed answer submissions (retries are currently working-around the issue), slow loading of dashboard, incomplete loading of dashboard.

Feels unstable.


Same here


@wct @11441 Thank you for reaching out. The server came under extreme load for about 15 minutes there. It seems to back to normal now. Will keep an eye on it while I look into what might have caused it.


Noticed the “Activity” graph is looking a bit sparser:

I’m sure it’s my fault for being too curious, but I’ve encountered an impossible situation (screenshot below). Curiosity killed the bunny :rabbit: Basically, an answer is required to be input, but it shows that the question has already been attempted and been marked wrong, even though I haven’t actually attempted the question yet. The frustrating thing is that the input box refuses to engage at all, so I ended up just abandoning the review session.

I entered this state when I was trying to replicate a bug where I entered an incorrect answer then pressed Enter/forwards a couple too many times and the correct answer to the previous question was automatically flagged up as being the incorrect answer to the next question, even though I didn’t input that response at all.

I didn’t replicate that bug but instead ended up with a different bug :laughing:

So a few weird things seem to be happening when you press Enter/forward a couple too many times these days.


Bro managed to softlock himself lmao

Feels like a race condition, there’s probably multiple javascript functions running at once when you spam the Enter key, that finish running after the review have already changed


I’m not sure if it will work in the situation you had, but there have been a couple of ‘soft lock’ occasions I’ve had also, and there is at least one workaround I’ve found to break out of it.

Basically, you use the Esc key (assuming you’re using the site on a browser), and that triggers the end-session event, which usually gives a pop-up asking if you want to end the session, cancel (continue session), or wrap up, or whatever.

I can’t recall step-by-step what to do, but if you play around with it, you’ll be able to get out of a Review session (or even a Learn session, I think), with a combination of Esc, clicking buttons, etc.