Feedback - Bug Reports

When trying to load the site, it is just rapidly alternating between two loading screens and can’t break that loop.

As I and others have been mentioning for a long time now, the site is totally unusable anyway because vacation mode won’t turn off.

Good for you guys that I have lifetime because for sure I would be requesting money back from a subscription at this point.

Hello, thanks for the quick reply !

I understand this point; however, when I add a new word to the vocabulary, it defaults to ‘reveal and grade,’ despite my settings being on ‘manual translation.’ Additionally, some of my older vocabulary have been randomly set to ‘reveal and grade’ without my intervention.

The mass change option is timing out both at the setting level (when I set the option for ‘default vocab review tab’) and at the deck level. I’ve sent a bug report via the contact form, including the curl request to reproduce the issue if needed.

If possible, could you please set all my vocabulary to ‘manual translation’? I understand I have a lot of vocabulary; I apologize for that. I use Bunpro as one of my main resources for SRS, and it includes the vocabulary of Wanikani and JLPTs.

Awesome, thanks a lot !

Would there be a way to default to the bookmarked decks view when navigating to the decks page?

Currently, it defaults to the ‘learning’ tab. However, I not only study grammar textbook decks but also JLPT decks.

Thanks !!


I was able to go in and turn vacation mode off on your account. Due to the large number of reviews and self study sentences it took about 20 seconds to process.

If you are refreshing the page/navigating away during this time it will forcibly stop the process which will cause the issue you are seeing.

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Hi again,

Are you able to please try this button in Settings (after setting the buttons for Vocab to Fill-in + Manual)?
If this doesn’t/didn’t work, then I think there is potentially something wrong with your Reviews, and I can take a deeper look.


I waited for a long time before (a few minutes) but then did inevitably refresh the page and then keep trying the same again. I’ll try and stay on the page longer next time and see what happens. Thanks again.

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Sorry to double up, but did the infinite load fix itself?
Or are you still experiencing it?

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Thanks for the answer.
It doesn’t work it does timeout


Since the latest update, when I’m doing a new grammar lesson, it doesn’t respect my review settings anymore. I’ve set it to reading and self assesment, but the new grammer shows me the blank input thing.
And on the first review it’s the same, I manualle need to renew the setting for all grammar points.
Had it yesterday and I’m having it today as well.

This is when taking a new lesson.

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I think it’s related to my issue ! Also have this problem since latest update !


Something like this is happening to me with new grammar cards. I’m using both the iOS app and the desktop version, and the last card I learned showed up as a “fill in the text” rep, though I use the flashcard setting on my account.


@febLey @cjhey

We think we have a lead on why this bug may have happened, and can pretty safely say now that it’s not user error or anything like that.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

We may come back for some more info from ya’ll, but until then,
少々お待ちください :bowing_man:


No problem ! Thank you so much for investigating this issue. If you need any help, please tell me


Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, sorry!

In the iOS app, I have set my max reviews to 10. No matter how many reviews I actually have due, I never get more than 10. After completing my 10 reviews, I can do a new batch of 10.

  1. I can’t find that setting any more in the app. Is it gone or am I just overlooking it? If it’s gone, that’s probably a bug :wink:
  2. The feature request: I would love to have a batch size of 10 (or any other number) for reviews on the web site too. Sometimes the full number of reviews is too much, and I like to know that I can do my 10 and then be done (yes, I know that I can wrap up when I want).
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And a bug report:

I have my reviews set to Cloze. When I studied this morning, this card, and only this card, showed up with “Anki style” buttons. When I did my reviews now, this card showed up again with “Anki style” buttons. Again only this card. I did to go to Settings-Reviews and updated my settings to Cloze before this review session.


Sorry to spam the thread, but I think I found what’s wrong here. There are two versions of the “ええ” card, one N5 level and one on higher level. It looks like the wrong card was associated with the N5 (and/or Genki) vocab deck.


Not sure it’s related to what others have mentioned, but i added a vocab from A9 deck and it showed as “rate your answer” rather than manual input. Not a big deal since there’s no context sentences associated, but the behavior is not the same as before the update.
Just to let you know.


I’ve been having a bug that I noticed yesterday where my graph will say I have reviews starting at 11 but there will be no reviews available, even though it’s past 11. The reviews seem to become available an hour later than what the graph is saying.

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Yep, that one has gone away, luckily :slight_smile:

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@loikuu @cjhey @LagonKa

I believe I found the issue. When you next learn from your queue, would you mind letting me know if this bug was resolved or not please? :bowing_man:


I may have the same problem. Some cards appear in anki style even though my setting is cloze mode and I have applied several time this setting to all my reviews before starting the lesson.