Feedback - Bug Reports

Hi there!
We’re aware of the issue, and it’s next on our priority list after we fix all the bugs introduced from our latest update.

The learn system has been changed, so to fix it go to content → decks and set the deck you want to learn from as a main one.
It should fix the issue for the time being before we push the update.

Hope it helps,

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That is correct :+1:.

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Hi. Thanks for responding so quickly!

Yes, I only have the N5 grammar deck and the N5 vocab deck in my bookmarks so far. When I’m using a deck, I tap the arrow to the right (#1) and do the quiz. On the grammar deck it works fine and adds them to reviews at beginner level. On the vocab deck it adds them straight to mastered.

I’ve had some exposure to Japanese before getting bunpro so I did hit the “mark as mastered” button on some of the items in both the grammar deck and the vocab deck.

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Just logged into your account.
Can reproduce the bug you’re seeing. Something is going very, very wrong 🫠
Please give us a wee while to figure out what might be causing this.


EDIT: What you were encountering was a pretty ‘unique’ Bunpro interaction.

The reason – feel free to skip

Basically, at a previous time, you had marked a bunch of Vocab as ‘Mastered’, and then ‘Remove from Reviews’-ed them (we are assuming this based on the creation dates of those Reviews)

What this interaction did, was leave it marked as Mastered, but took it out your Review queue.

You then went to Learn, and these items showed up in your queue, ready to be added to your queue again. When they were added, they were added at their previous SRS Level (Master).

Anyway! We’ve added some code that will forcibly set the SRS Level of items you are Learning back to the Default SRS Size for that Deck (the default if disabled is back to 0).
We’ve wiped these items (there were about 90 of them) for you, and the code to prevent this happening in the future will be published shortly.

Just two questions for you if you would be so kind in answer (will help help us simplify our app):

  1. For the Vocabs that were marked as Mastered, how had you previously interacted with them/marked them as Mastered? During Learn? Mass adding them via Wanikani API?
  2. When you hit Remove from Reviews, did you expect your SRS progress to be also wiped with that action

Anyway, thanks for pointing this out to us!
Feel free to reach out again if anything seems amiss.

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Just checking in on this with some more questions (sorry):

  1. Were all the items mentioned completely new? Never studied before etc?
  2. Are all of your Vocab Decks meant to be set to cloze? (Fill-in questions + Manual answers)
  3. How do you add your Vocab?
    1. Through the Learn system
    2. Through a Deck’s main page (e.g. the Add to Reviews buttons in the dropdowns here)
    3. Via the Vocab Search page (see attached)

We think we know what is causing this, but knowing the source of where you are adding your Vocab will help us greatly!

Thanks in advance and apologies again for all the questions 🙇‍♂️

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Thank you for checking. That explanation makes sense.

Some of the lessons in the N5 vocab deck had a bunch of words I was already familiar with, mixed with a few that I wanted to study. None of the words were added via Wanikani. I had previously interacted with the words by going straight into the deck and marking the entire lesson as known, and then removing the individual words from review.

When I hit remove from reviews, I did expect my SRS progress to be wiped.

Edit: I went back and checked. It appears that it’s working as expected now.

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After doing a cram session, the summary displayed that I still had one unfished item, even though I went through al the items, including the wrap up.

I only had one item wrong, so it is displaying one of the correct items as remaining, and using “Continue session” doesn’t help either.

This doesn’t occur when I get 100% correct, though.

EDIT: I also just found out that it only seems to occur if I get exactly one item wrong.

EDIT 2: It seems like “Continue session” now worked after I did a different cram session, but something is still not right here :thinking:

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Interestingly, some of the missed words are now marked as mastered, but some still are not.
Previously, 傘 was burned in WaniKani, but unmastered here in Bunpro. That word seems to be fixed. But I’m still seeing 家 out of sync. Obviously, I haven’t gone through and made an exhaustive list.

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I am also having an issue with time zones. All of my review timings are displayed incorrectly (off by one hour) after the time change.


As I go through the n2 grammar deck, I add vocab that aren’t in any deck using the search vocab tool. My global settings are close/manual input so I can remember the vocab items better. However, new vocab outside the normal vocab decks are defaulting to self grade questions. I tried reapplying the global settings, but it has no effect. Prebuilt vocab deck settings seem ro be working.


No worries. I’m happy to answer any questions if it helps solve this issue.

Yes. This is only happening with newly added words.

Currently my N3 deck is the only Vocabulary Deck set to 穴理めの問題 ・手入力, since I had already finished N5 and N4 before you guys added Cloze. The rest are set to 翻訳の問題・手入力, since N2-N1 don’t have Cloze that I’m aware.

Both through the Deck’s main page and via the Vocab Search page. I never use the Learn function since I like to manually choose what I want to learn.

Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for looking into this! :pray:



Looks like I can’t access the N1 Vocab Deck page:

Other decks work fine. Only happens when logged in. When logged out, it opens without issue.

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Seems to be working fine now! Had to update my queue because the bugged cards were still asking to be filled in, but now it should be ok, but the new cards are behaving correctly. Thanks!

In the Cram screen, when you do a review, then you open the “Show grammar info” and then you scroll down and click “I know this”, it doesn’t mark it as mastered (it doesn’t do anything really).

The same thing happens with “Remove from reviews”.

The only option of the 3 that works is “Reset Progress”.

EDIT: No, it works, it just doesn’t give you any sign that it worked unless you directly go to the grammar point page, but it actually works


Does it happen in mobile app?

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Looks like I can access it again.

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@veritas_nz can you have a look at this? Ordering is very important to me, this bug is the only reason I never use Bunpro on mobile…

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Setting spilt reviews option on Mobile app doesn’t last long. It reverts back to off when the dashboard refreshes or upon next open

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Thanks for the feedback!
Lettuce know if you need anything else