Feedback - Bug Reports

Remove deck option is not available to me in the “learn queue” settings. It only allows me to add decks.

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We are under an attack of the 17-year cicadas. So, when I saw this channel I thought this was going to be about those bugs!!!

For those not in the midwest, these bugs come out of the ground like something from the Old Testament… they shed their exoskeletons, climb the nears thing (house, car, tree, you), sing, mate, then die. And they only do this every 17 years!


My review count is stuck at 4, even though I have no reviews. Earlier today I crammed what I missed from a review session, so I think it has something to do with that.


That No Reviews is referring to there not being any reviews in that session. I can see how that might be confusing though. We can take a look at how we might change the wording.

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Is the missing remove option happening on the website or on mobile?

I believe this should be sorted. Sorry for the long wait!

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But the thing is that it claims that I have 4 grammar reviews but when I click on it, it gives me the no available reviews message (like the screen shot above). I’ve never run into something like that before.

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I was able to reproduce it on my end just now. Will look into it and get it patched.


@bunnypro @Neon_Kitsune

There was an issue with retrieving Self-Study sentences.
This has now been fixed, and you should be able to do all your Reviews!

Thanks for the feedback everyone 〜(- v -)〜


However, it seems that “alternative answers” might no longer be being accepted when reviewing self-study sentences.


Excellent catch! This has just been fixed.

Making some big BTS changes to prepare for Vocab Cram


Thank you! I finished up my reviews and leveled up while I was at it! All is now well.




Whatever was done bumped me from Level 7 to Level 10, but I used to be 48…

I was sitting on 48, having never done anything with vocab, only grammar. When I started doing vocab, that’s when it hit me.

So were there a ton of vocab that were somehow automatically marked as complete, that gave me 38 levels?

Edit: Looks like I’m 16 now, still a difference of 32 levels…

Could it be syncing with WaniKani? Not sure, just a thought. Tends to involve a lot of XP plus or minus, depending.

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In the Android app, when I

  • write something, e.g., ます
  • realize I forgot し in the beginning
  • add “shi” before ま
  • it turns into し and moves cursor AFTER ま

Expected behavior: turn into し but cursor is BEFORE ま (and after し).

This also happens with “chi” and it also happens in the middle of sentences.
However, it doesn’t happen when I write “si” or “ti” so I guess it’s because my way of romanizing is three characters.

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There was a bug where users were not able to delete Decks from their queue if they had their Daily Goal set to zero (zero is a valid state for Daily Goal).

This has now been fixed.

Not sure if this has been mentioned already but since the latest Android update (a week or 6 ago or something) the search option acts weird. When typing some characters, after waiting for half a second they disappear.
When I go back to the main page and try again, the search works correctly.
If I close the app, restart it again and use the search again, I have the same bug.

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@stephane @akooij

Are you both still having issues with the website performance on Apple devices?

Sorry for the super late follow up!
I’ve cleared some time to work on this now.

I’ve tried testing the website on Safari on my iPhone/Macbook but can’t seem to replicate the issue.
Are you able to please tell me roughly when during your Bunpro visit you are seeing this issue, and what versions of iOS/MacOS + Safari you are running?

I’ll do some more investigation :bowing_man:


Seem to have to log in a lot these days (i.e. get logged out automatically a lot) :thinking:

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