Feedback - Bug Reports

Starting about five or six days ago I’ve been seeing an odd bug when doing reviews on my phone. I can only type a single letter into the answer box. This never happened before, and doesn’t happen when I do reviews from my laptop, but on the phone it now always happens when accessing the site with either Safari or Firefox. It happens in the review input box but not in other text input boxes. The phone is an old iPhone SE running iOS 15.8.2. Safari should therefore be version 15.8. Firefox is version 126.1.


It has been WAY better since last week, I have sent a follow up to my bug ticket a few days back

I don’t think I had to kill my safari process this past week while I had to literally every single session before, so it seems all fine now at least on my side.
thanks for working this out :+1:


OK! Maybe the performance issue ya’ll were mentioning is different to what @Neko2023 and a few others have been mentioning.

@Neko2023 when you encounter this bug, does the whole app freeze?
Can you for press any of the other buttons on the UI for example?
Also, are you perhaps using the Japanese keyboard? Or any other keyboard for that matter?

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A symbol is missing in the reading practice for N4, lesson 2, part 3.

I changed the review type for to Reading and Reveal and grade. The first time it popped up in reviews, I got a blank page saying: “No sentence data”. I was able to click Info and see what card it was.

The site doesn’t freeze. All the buttons work. I’m not using Japanese keyboard. Logging out and logging back in doesn’t help and neither does restarting the phone.

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Usually it shows me the hiragana writing. I guess it was forgotten in this one? (Mobile Version - only this one question)


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Hi there, I’ve only been using Bunpro for a few days, but am running into an issue where my lessons aren’t showing any information anymore. The explanation only has a few lines of info, and no example sentences are available. Oddly enough, if I check the Grammar Points from the Contents tab, everything is visible. It’s only when running the lesson does all the information disappear.


We’ve found the issue for this, and it has been fixed.

This is the same bug you mentioned, @mdmooney

PS: Welcome to the forums you two! :confetti_ball:


Very cool! Thanks for the quick response. Now I can get back to failing!

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Sorry to bring this up, but I believe this used to work before the current fix.

This is a minor issue, but I’ve noticed that since the examples have started working again, to hear their audio a second time you cannot press the ‘play’ button next to the example. It works the first time, but every subsequent time you have to either press the ‘play’ button at the top of the ‘Examples’ section or select a different audio example and then select the current audio example again. I’ve only tested this behaviour is Chrome.


Ahhh very good find!
I’ll take a look into it :bowing_man:

EDIT: Fixed!

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Dang, you guys rock!


Heads up @veritas_nz - it’s 9 months later, and this whole time I’ve still been experiencing misbehavior of the “Forecast” pane. When I foreground the tab (but don’t refresh the page), the bars update incorrectly and the time labels on the columns don’t shift.

For example:

  • 12:37pm - finished some reviews looked at the forecast

  • no change in the appearance of the page until after 7pm

  • 7:41:04pm - page auto-updates without shifting the columns or labels, but adding the now-due 4 reviews to every column

  • 7:41:22pm - manually refreshed the page and now the times have shifted and the original 7pm and 9pm columns now show correctly at the left

In a quick scan of this topic I didn’t see any other current reports of this behavior, so apologies if this is a known issue. I can’t imagine this is widespread but I also wonder how it could just be me…!


If this is the place for “minor nitpicks, just reporting in case you didn’t know”

On the profile page

  • “Loading…” → never loads (but it shows on the dashboard page just fine)
  • Next review in 1 hour && Next Hour = 0 → doesn’t seem to make sense
  • I’m not sure what the “10” badge on my avatar is supposed to represent (I might have known once, but I forgot)

I was just going to report this since it’s been like that for me for a few days now:



Will take a look!
Thanks for the heads up

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Thank you :pray:

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This should be fixed now!
Instead of never updating, I’ve set it to update every 20 minutes (if actively viewing the page).

Please let me know if this does anything suss again!

This is happening to me too! So it could be a more widespread issue.

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