Feedback - Bug Reports

Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out. It’s the incorrect smearing of reviews that are due across an unshifted timeline that was more problematic than just not updating. It seems like the forecast shouldn’t ever show wrong information, even if it doesn’t proactively slide the correct information.

(Edited to add this morning’s example)
When I opened my laptop, the page self-updated to this:

But on refresh it changed to this:


Will continue the investigation!

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Not sure the right place to mention but should these two words be N5 vocab?


Just checking whether there’s any progress with this.

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I think i found one.

On this image we see that 来ていただけますか is one of the possible answers

But if we actually try to input this answer, we get this warning message.

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I currently have one active deck (Grammar N3). I’m trying to add another deck to my queue, but whenever I search for a deck on the “Add Deck” screen, it crashes the website for me.

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After going through N5 and N4 vocab I can certainly find my way around a Japanese hospital:

edit: and don’t forget to take your 抗生物質


That’s not actually a bug. From what I understand, they put all vocabulary from Genki I into the N5 deck and Genki II into the N4 deck, which sometimes results in oddities like that.

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I forgot to mention that this has been resolved.

Thanks for the hard work! :pray:

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Hi there!
Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for following up.

Are you able to please:

  • Tell me what versions you are running
  • Then update your version of MacOS/iOS and also Safari and tell me if this fixes it?

I couldn’t replicate this issue, but other users have fixed it by updating their versions.


Thanks for the feedback :bowing_man:

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Hi there! Welcome to the forums :partying_face:

Very surprised no one has mentioned this until now…
I’ve now fixed this. Thank you!

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Thanks. As I wrote above the phone is running iOS 15.8.2. That’s the current release on the iOS 15 branch. It’s too old to run iOS 16 or 17 so I can’t update it any more than it’s already updated. Safari on the iphone updates in tandem with iOS so there is no separate Safari version. For what it’s worth though the site works fine in Safari on my laptop and it doesn’t work on Firefox on the phone so it’s very unlikely to be a Safari problem. I’ve been using it on the laptop the last two weeks but I’d really prefer to be able to use it on the phone again. I understand if you’re unable to fix it or are unwilling to spend the time if I’m the only one affected but in that case please let me know so I can cancel my subscription.

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What version is the Macbook you’re using?
I’ve heard of people having problems with v15 of iOS/iPadOS.

BTS iOS uses the same engine to run all 3 browsers, so yeah very much a MacOS/iOS issue.
All the other users have had this problem were on v15.
I’ll try emulate this and see what I can do.


I just signed up this morning and went over a couple of grammar points just fine.
Now trying to access my dashboard automatically redirects me to onboarding. Finalizing the onboarding and clicking Study now! results in a continuous onboarding loop.

Thank you for looking into this!


Same situation for me, so not an isolated incident.


Same here, tried different browsers (Firefox and Edge on Fedora). This should be pretty easy to spot.


@Seradon @lsandoz

This should now be fixed.
Welcome to the community everyone, and I apologize for the negative first experience with Bunpro!


The phone, where things don’t work, is an early iPhoneSE. The macbook, where things do work, is an M2 Macbook Air.

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This uses the wrong “rare kanji” for をもって, it uses the ones fore まして.