Feedback - Bug Reports

Since vocab was added to cram, I haven’t been able to cram after a review session. It works just fine from the main cram page, but I can’t do it after the reviews.

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Hey, don’t know if this is a bug or not but on the app (ios) i had it ask me the same question multiple times. Like i had to answer でしょう and だろう three times each. I think it may of happened because i had to do it offline as i was travelling and didn’t want to use my data.

photos of results

Hope you don’t mind i highlighted some of the duplicates

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I can’t seem to turn off vacation mode. It’s been slow in the past, requiring me to close and re-open the app multiple times for it to finally work, but it’s been about 5 minutes now and vacation mode just won’t turn off, so I can’t do anything. the little off switch finishes loading in the menu, but when I go to the home page it’s still in vacation mode.

I noticed yesterday my desktop page and mobile app were also not syncing properly. My mobile app was showing that I had reviews to do, even though I had finished all possible revies on desktop.

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Also i think it’s given me waayy too many reviews. I haven’t added any new items today but i have 35 reviews on top of the 50 something I already did. I only have like 35 n5 grammar points. I think maybe it’s overwritten my offline reviews with the online reviews (that i haven’t done) maybe?


Hi there!
This indeed appears to be a big 'ol bug.
We’re looking into it.


I believe Jake found the cause of this issue.
Fix will be published in a few days.


New bug started happening for me today.

By clicking the 学習 button, instead of going to the lessons, it redirects me to the home page back again


Help! Every time I try to go to anything other than “learn” on my bunpro page, I get sent to the onboarding page. I’ve been using Bunpro for a while, so I’m not a super new user.

I asked a friend who also has Bunpro and they are having the same issue.


What version of the app are you currently using? It is shown at the bottom of the side drawer.

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Same thing is happening to me, I can’t access my reviews as the website keeps redirecting to the ‘Follow a Path’ onboarding page. Using web browser on IOS.


clicking learn does nothing but take me back to home page.


I am also constantly redirected to onboarding when trying to visit dashboard or reviews routes

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Happening to me as well. Exact same thing when i go to “Review”.
My dashboard still shows then correct data and that i have items in need of review. But i cannot review them due to this bug

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Same bug here for me, I’m using web version accessing from Chrome.

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@goldrogue @Mizu12 @1182 @zthomas @H19AD99BC @username2

This should be fixed now!
Apologies for the inconvenience!


Just a quick shoutout to the dev team on this app, i reported 2 bugs these past days, and you guys were very quick to solve them, shows the dedication to this project that the team has.

the app is cheap and really good, love the ui and how it works, its money well spent.

Wish wanikani implemented features/fixed bugs/listened to the community like the bunpro team.
Keep up the great work!


it’s probably just me but bunpro just shows a spinning wheel when I try to review on firefox

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デバイス: iPhone 13
ブラウザ: Safari


Just checked your account and it was fine.
Was probably a one-off server slowdown :thinking:

We’ve fixed this.
Should be published in the next few days!

Thanks for the find :bowing_man:

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