Feedback - Bug Reports

If anything it’s worse. now I can’t even see the dashboard :frowning:

Seems like you are going directly to
What happens if you access the Dashboard / Reviews directly?


I tried again on your account and it seemed fine.
There haven’t been any outages in the past 30 mins, so not sure what’s happening in your case :thinking:

neither link works, it’s fine. the app works.

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Will DM you!

Hello. I am having the same problem, also on Firefox.

In addition to the links that you posted, this link doesn’t work:

This link does work:

I don’t seem to have any problems when using Brave.

As a separate matter, thank you and your team for all your hard work on Bunpro. I’m very happy with the content on this site and am impressed with the various approaches that you have taken to improve the user experience.

Edit: everything appears to be working now.

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During cram (“input” variation), getting the answer already filled in, plus blue translations of the answer appearing in curly brackets on the screen, e.g.:

(The correct answer also no longer seems to be appearing in green after entering an answer then pressing ‘a’).

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Hello, I found a very weird bug with one vocabulary entry. 「シャワーをあびる」 keeps converting back to しゃわをあびる. It’s impossible to type in the correct answer. I had no problems with other words with katakana. And I can type this word fine in any app except Bunpro.
Here is the video: Watch unnamed | Streamable

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I expect this could be because of one or multiple of the below reasons:

  1. Temporary Bunpro outage
    • These sometimes happen, although I don’t think there have been any in a few weeks, unless we weren’t aware of them :thinking:
  2. Problem with your internet connection
    • Although you’d probably be aware of this if this was the case
  3. Strict Firewall settings
    • if you’re accessing Bunpro somewhere like a school or office, a firewall you don’t have control over could be messing with what you can connect to.

In any case, please let us know if you see this again.

Was this a Cram after a Reviews quiz?
And you set it to Input mode?

I think I might know what is causing this… :thinking:

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That’s right!

Here’s another one I’ve just noticed. When adding vocab to reviews manually, the text on the dropdown menu can be tricky to read:


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After the latest test flight update, the iOS app no longer opens properly. It is stuck on the launch screen that displays the Bunpro logo.


Try reinstalling the app. It should help :bowing_man:

I am looking into the source.

Just an update/addendum that I have since tried such a cram (“input” variation) and the first question was just like the above situation, but the remaining questions showed up as flashcards!

EDIT: Perhaps it could be because that’s what happens now when the “input” variation isn’t available for a particular vocab word.


That indeed fixed it.


Is it worth reporting any tts mistakes at this point or should we just wait until the new tts comes out?

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Issue affecting Grammar Decks page confirmed fixed! Thanks team :muscle:


This should now be fixed!


I had one sentence where I input a grammar point and it suggested I put something before it, but it ended up being a completely different grammar point.


I put in けっか. The correct answer was ために.

Another issue I had was with the automatic audio after inputting an answer. When I put in the correct answer for 今後も宜しくお願いします。the audio was completely different. I don’t remember what it was but this question was a vocab one so the audio should have been tts but it was a native example of a different sentence.

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Thanks for the feedback!

I would suggest for fixes like this, to report them directly inside the app while quizzing.
That way we have direct access to which sentences you’re referring to!

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Not a huge issue, but annoys me every time I use the search function:
I usually type whatever I’m looking for and then just click on it. However, I suppose when the text input loses focus, the content area gets reset, and I end up opening a page for a completely different grammar point than what I’ve clicked. Video: NVIDIA_Share_PECV79C5pC
I’m using Windows’ default IME, and the latest Google Chrome browser

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