Feedback - Bug Reports

We were experiencing some slow server response times in the last 10 minutes.

These should now be fixed!


I was just trying to cram some N2 vocab, I get a window that says No items to cram.

If the cram type is set to flashcard it goes through, but the other three types don’t seem to be working correctly. I had the same problem when testing N1 vocab but N3 seems to be working fine.

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It might happen when the vocab does not have example sentences, so it is only possible to cram the flashcard type with “translation” as the answer.

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In the details for 似る, under Part of Speech, it has it listed as a godan verb, when it’s actually an ichidan verb.

All the example sentences have it correctly conjugated as an ichidan verb, it’s just an issue with the info box.


I’ve updated this.
Not sure how this could’ve gotten in like this :thinking:

Thanks for the feedback!

I cant review anything!?


Nothing works even in browser, please fix ASAP!

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Sorry for the downtime. We need to fix some issues with the recent slowdown. I just tested and it should be operating as usual now.

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theres no structure for zaru conjugations (it says in the actual write up it goes on the same way as nai), but the structure section which is easily checkable at a glance is blank. i think you could probably just put the nai form, cross our nai and put zaru

in the naratomokaku lesson ならともかく (JLPT N2) | Bunpro, the example sentences in the lesson dont have the english equivalent highlighted, for example:

“If it’s my little sister, sure, but I would never do such a thing.” doesnt have anything highlighted. i would probably highlight “if its” and “sure” but its up to you guys

The same thing happend to me. the correct answer is しゃわーをあびる, type the - with the hyphen key. I think it’s becuase it’s a mixed hiragana answer.

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Did the API get changed or deleted? All Bunpro review alert addons bring back 404 with api requests now

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Welcome to the forums!

When did you start noticing this?
What particular route did you notice broken?
We have pushed some changes for routes/APIs over the past few weeks though, could maaaybe be those.

I’ve been getting 404s on{bunpro_api_token}/study_queue for the last few days

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It’s been happening for a few days at least. It’s the same url that the person above me linked.

Also has the page title sort of missing as it says <span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.user_settings.page_title.api">Api</span> | Bunpro (same thing with display language as Japanese, except instead of en it’s jp)

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During app grammar and vocab reviews, if I answer a question and move onto the next before the auto audio plays, it’ll play at the start and during the following review until I input a character. Relatively new bug, noticed it about a week ago maybe 2


Almost every day I seem to have server issues. When I click on reviews I get an endless loading screen or I get an ‘something went wrong’ during my reviews.

I have this issue again right now. I can do 2 or 3 reviews, get the something went wrong error and return to the dashboard. None of the reviews I just did were saved.

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I don’t really know if this can properly be described as a ‘bug’, but this is one of the grammar points explained in Chapter 1 of Quartet I, but it’s not in the Quartet I deck.

This looks like a bug I think. Aside from the fact that I wanted to type kazoku… ie should not be the right answer here.


But the sentence still makes sense, “in my house, there’s a lot of people who work in sports.”

If you think more like “house of Belmont” type thing, it can mean family

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