Feedback - Bug Reports

I’m just a beginner though and that’s the fourth or fifth meaning. “Ie” should be house and “kazoku” family, at least that’s my thinking :thinking:

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But like @IcyIceBear pointed out, even if you use “house” the meaning doesn’t change as “family”. You just have to remember that it can be used in that context, just like in English.

If it wasn’t part of the definition for the word, then I would agree with you that it makes it confusing to learn one way and then see it being used another way, but that’s not the case here.

Trust me, I have reported a good amount of mistranslations or inconsistencies directly to the BunPro team, but this is not one of them.


Hi, I’ve recently discovered what i think can be considered a bug. Lately, when I enter my dashboard page, the bar at the top containing the buttons for the profile, menus, ecc. is not showing. I think it is a layout problem of that specific page because in the other pages everything works fine.
Anyway, i discovered that if zoom in the page, at about 150%, the top bar appears again. I’ll add some screenshot as proof, aybe they can be useful.
Thanks a lot :grin:


I feel like this must only be happening to me, otherwise there’d be a lot more noise, but I can’t answer any reviews at all. I can’t get any text input, no matter where I click or what I press. This happens on multiple browsers, devices and in the app. Is it something to do with my account specifically?

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Thanks for reaching out. Could you share a screenshot of your reviews and where you are clicking to try to get text input please?

Just clicking on the “Conditional” text or trying the “I” keyboard shortcut.


Your reviews aren’t set to manual. This can be adjusted globally through account settings and through deck settings, deck settings take priority. Change to “manual input” and update all, that will give you the text box

Looks like you’re on reveal and grade instead. Here’s a screencap to change through global settings. Deck settings will look similar, just found through deck settings. Do deck settings if global doesn’t fix your problem

global settings ss


Thank you for taking the time to provide detailed instructions! :bowing_man:


Oh wow, I had no idea that was a thing, sorry! Thanks for the detailed instructions!


Hi Davide! Thanks for the report and welcome to the forums.

The top bar won’t display until it has fully loaded your user info.
So if you wait a while it should fully appear.

The screen size thing might just be coincidence – as in, while you were playing with the zoom settings, it loaded.
If you don’t think this is the case, I can further investigate!

Hi! I’m not sure whether this is a bug strictly speaking. But in this vocab for 「家」 that should pronounced as 「うち」 almost all examples instead use 「いえ」. And the only exception is 「家の娘は去年成人を迎えました。」where it is being pronounced as 「うち」as expected.

I think the “Learn” panel might be doing something a little funny. I’m set to learn grammar points in batches of 3. I started the day with the JLPT N2 deck selected, and having learned 209/213. I did today’s 3 lessons, which brings me to 212/213. But now, my little progress bar shows only the first of 3 segments darkened, and when I pop it down it shows “3/1” for the deck status.

Not a big deal but I suspect something is off here, maybe due to reducing the remaining lessons in the deck below the “3 per day” threshhold.

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Is it just me or review drop setting is ignored? I set it to half but I only drop 1 level

Unfortunately, i don’t think that’s the case, because when i zoom out the bar disappears. I noticed another thing that maybe can be of some help: the appearing doesn’t depend directly from the zoom that is applied but instead it depends on the layout of the page. When you have the layout that is displaying both the activity and the progress sections side by side it’s not appearing, instead if you zoom in enough the activity part will go under the progress part and therefore showing the bar

I just tested with a few reviews and it seems to be working properly. What grammar point/vocab was it for? I can take a look at your account.

I have the same thing happening, for example 溜まる (JLPT N3) | Bunpro just went from Adept 1 to Beginner 4 or 伺う (JLPT N4) | Bunpro went from Seasoned 2 to Seasoned 1

Just looked at both of those for your account and one went from 4 to 2 and the other from 8 to 4. I will look into it/test it a bit further but it seems like it is working as intended.

Maybe it is working correctly then, but just displayed incorrectly at the top of the screen at the moment where you actually fail the review (and also later during the same session when that same review pops up again)

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Good catch! I’ve fixed this, and it should show up in a few days.


EDIT: This is now live



This was indeed a bug and the issue has now been fixed!
It should accurately display your Review’s new level now.

Good news is, this bug was a display issue, which means your Review’s progress should be accurate from when you set that setting.

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