Feedback - Bug Reports

thank you! I suspected it after you said that but was out of reviews to test it lol

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The search function for grammar points doesn’t seem to be working anymore. I use it quite a bit when I need a refresher when trying to read something. Typing anything in, whether it’s the kana or romaji, brings up zero results.

*I should mention I have it set to search all grammar points, and none of the learned grammar points are hidden.


I am also having trouble with the search function. It seems to be returning unrelated queries and some of the grammar points I’ve looked up before now don’t come up.


I also got the same issue with the search function. It still worked for me yesterday. The problem occurs only on browser, Android app works fine.

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in the ならともかく grammar point it has a “sure” in exposure highlighted when it shouldnt be


I’m also having search issues, where the search isn’t showing any results.

Currently using chrome on windows, when I search, for example “temoii”, it successfully calls “” and gets the json response, but nothing is happening with that response.

I checked the html elements, and the response data is there, but for some reason there is a “display: none” set on this list item: <li class="search-container_level u-border_rim u-rounded u-bg_bg-secondary" style="display: none;">

Toggling it off manually gives me the expected results, so whatever is supposed to be setting the list item to be shown after hitting the api isn’t working.

Hope this helps!

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Can confirm, grammar search is broken for me, too.

@LindaAguazul @PettLe @Jeix @InsaneSlightly

Should be fixed now.
Sorry for the inconvenience!


Fixed! Good find 🙇‍♂️

I used to get sentence audio play when doing crams of wrong answer after reviews, but since the last updated they no longer do. I’ve looked at the system preferences and they look to be turned on so not sure if I’m doing something wrong or it’s an error. I use bunpro app on my I phone.

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The top bar is not loading for me - I can see the bar when I load the website on Edge, but Brave (my preferred browser) will not display the toolbar.

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Is it an intermittent thing?
Or it just permanently won’t display?

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It permanently won’t display. Curiously, this seems to be system-sensitive; another computer I use has no trouble rendering the top bar on Brave.

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Can you try disable plugins, and if that doesnt work, try remove Brave’s default security?
You can do this here.

I too use Brave and it doesn’t show me the confetti on Ghost slain/item mastered animations during Reviews, but it does show them on level-up on the Summary page.
Works on other browsers though.

Something weird is going on

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sometimes when i click the “show info button” or press the f key to see what grammar point I just got wrong it just skips the grammar point. This leads me to repeat mistakes which is frustrating!

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As of this morning the bar is appearing again! Didn’t even have to change anything. I’ll update if the problem reoccurs.

Thanks for the help!

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I guess I accidentaly broke the leveling system by adding to mastered grammar cases I learned outside of Bunpro(so that I have more N3-N2 focused Reviews). Master-flagged all N5-N4 cases and got up to 65 level with badges, even got the 250K exp one.

It was actually reverting back and forth down to 50-s, but the last time it dropped to 57 it didn’t go up. I master-flagged some N3 cases and it went up to lvl60 but the 250k exp badge remained (with 234700exp in the profile).

Ain’t requiring exp I got by not completely legal means back but I think this case might be worth reporting. Thanks for your attention anyway.

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Hi there!

If you run into this issue again, please let me know the Grammar Point and the question (in question? :joy:).

If I can, I’ll try replicate the issue and fix it.

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@veritas_nz any ideas why the sound might not longer be playing? I really found hearing the grammar an important part of memorising


Ahhh sorry for the lack of response, I’m not the app developer (I’m one of the web devs).
Maybe @mrnoone can help you?

AFAIK though, audio not playing after a wrong review is the correct interaction, and is the same as the web.

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